We are getting error while submitting adaptive form.how to resolve this issue? i have attached complete error.log file .
Client side we are getting popup with below error
[AF] [AEM-AF-901-004] Encountered an internal error while submitting the form
Error log details:
23.02.2017 15:37:52.829 *ERROR* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [1487844472814] POST /content/forms/af/qr/customer-care/jcr:content/guideContainer.af.internalsubmit.jsp HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.aemds.guide.utils.SubmitDataCollector Unable to create JSON for Submit
javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Unable to evaluate expression using this context
Hi Balu M,
Can you please share the form with which you are getting the error.
Thanks & Regards,
We are placing "data" xml file in slingrequest to enable form field pre-population functionality.
Please read "Setting data attribute in slingRequest" section for more details. We have removed this functionality and form submission working for us.
One of the reason(I am not sure) for getting this error,during form submission its unable to replace data object already placed in request attribute. so we have implemented this functionality in different way.
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Thank you for your answer. We are pre-populate the form as well. Did you get the error every time on submission?
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You may want to check the XML data you're populating with versus the schema you're using in the form. Pay particular attention to all of the bindings in any of your panels. Make sure they are linked to repeating elements in the schema if they are repeating and if they are not repeating, the min and max values in the panel should be blank (not 0, specifically blank).
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We are getting this error only for few forms. as suggested by LeSutton please verify your xml format .when there is mismatch on form xml then only we will get error.
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