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[Adobe | Announcement] Oracle JDK support for AEM


Level 10


Earlier this year, Oracle made changes to its support of Java SE which would require businesses to have a commercial license for updates and support. Public updates of Java SE 8 by Oracle will not be available after January 2019.

We are happy to announce that effective immediately, support and distribution of Oracle Java SE, including all maintenance updates of Long Term Support (LTS) releases (Oracle Java SE 8 and Oracle Java SE 11), will be supported by Adobe directly for all AEM customers making use of the Oracle Java technology as part of their AEM projects. All customers will need to continue to abide by Oracle’s terms of use as they have previously. Find Q&A HERE.

There is no immediate action for AEM customers; instead, you can be rest assured that the AEM licenses/services provides support for the underlying Java technology.

Question: Who is impacted by this communication?

All AEM customers should pay attention to this communication and its consequences:

·      Especially AEM customers using AEM on-premise software and non-Adobe managed services.

·      This communication may not be relevant to AEM Managed Services customers, as Oracle Java SE support is being addressed by the Adobe Managed Services organization.

o However, developers who are doing local AEM development work will need to agree to the Oracle terms of use.

Question: What is the scope of the support?

The support covers the use of all Oracle Java SE releases, current and future, for AEM customers to run their AEM applications. This includes the Oracle Java SE 8 JDK and Oracle Java SE 11 JDK releases.

Question: Is there an immediate action item for AEM customers?

No, AEM customers can continue operating their AEM applications with the existing Oracle Java SE JDK, with the extra benefit of being supported even when the Oracle Java SE JDK reaches the end of the public updates, for instance in January 2019 for the Oracle Java SE 8 JDK.

Question: Is there a pricing impact for AEM customers?

No, there are no financial consequence or obligations for AEM customers as a result of this announcement.

Question: Should AEM customers contract for support for Oracle Java SE from Oracle?

No, AEM customers may be supported on Oracle Java SE without having to contract for support directly with Oracle.

Question: Can Oracle Java SE be used by an AEM customer’s developers on their workstations?

Yes, as long as the use is for developing and running their AEM applications and as long as the developers agree to Oracle’s terms of use.

Question: Can Oracle Java SE be used for the tools allowing my customer to build and to compile AEM applications? (e.g., Jenkins)

Oracle Java SE may be used to compile Java code to be deployed to an AEM server running with the Oracle JDK. However, the Oracle JDK cannot be used as such for running third party applications like Jenkins or other Java-based applications, that require their own license.

Question: Can Oracle Java SE be used to run my J2EE AEM Forms server?


Question: Can Oracle Java SE be used to run non-AEM applications hosted by the same application server used for running AEM?

No, a separate license will be needed if it’s not an AEM (or Adobe) application.

Question: Where can AEM customers download the latest releases of the Oracle Java SE JDK?

Maintenance updates for Oracle Java SE JDK will be available for download from PackageShare at https://www.adobeaemcloud.com

Question: Do AEM customers still have to accept an Oracle license agreement when they download the Oracle Java SE software?

AEM Customers will be able to download the software from an Adobe web-site where they will be presented with the Oracle terms of use.

Question: Who should AEM customers contact should they have a support issue with the Oracle Java SE software?

AEM Customers should contact the Adobe customer care organization for all issues pertaining to their AEM applications, including the underlying Oracle Java SE software.

Question: Can AEM customers also decide to run their AEM applications on OpenJDK builds of Java?

No, at the moment only the Oracle Java SE JDK is supported for running AEM applications (also the IBM JDK when WebSphere Application Server is selected as the J2EE application server); please refer to the AEM technical requirements found here https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/6-4/sites/deploying/using/technical- requirements.html for guidance on specific builds and versions.

Question: Where can I look up the Oracle Java SE JDK version(s) officially supported by my AEM version?

Please refer to the official documentation page (e.g., for AEM release 6.4: https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/6-4/sites/deploying/using/technical- requirements.html).

Question: What about the older Oracle Java SE releases, especially versions 6 and 7?

Maintenance updates for Oracle Java SE 6 and Oracle Java SE 7 will be made available to AEM customers for as long as these versions are supported by Oracle according to the roadmap available at https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/java-se-support-roadmap.html.



Community Advisor


Thanks for the info Scott. Passing on this info to my competency and clients asap


Level 2


Now that Java 8u211 is available (Java SE Runtime Environment 8 - Downloads ) the new license applies. Where can I download 8u211 from package share? I couldn't find it there yet...


Checking with the PM on this.


Hello, please file a DayCare ticket and the support organization will download the update and make it available to you. We still intend to push these updates to PackageShare eventually, but the current version is not able to accommodate the load/volume, therefore we are working on a new version (live this coming summer). Thank you

Bertrand de Coatpont - Product Management - AEM


Bertrand, thanks for that answer. I thought that the binaries were actually different than the ones being provided directly by Oracle via Java SE Development Kit 11- - Downloads  but in fact the one being provided via DayCare and the one from Oracle have the same checksum:

MD5 (jdk-11.0.3_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz) = 6d5fd10897d65e053bb69ed9a032211a

So does that mean I can also use the one from Oracle and this would be covered by the Adobe License as well?



The AEM 6.4 requirements page Technical Requirements

links to a PDF, in there it says

"Where can AEM customers download the latest releases of Oracle Java SE JDK? https://downloads.experiencecloud.adobe.com/ "

But whenever I login in that site, I get redirected and then a 404 not found


... &j_reason=Adobe+ID+is+not+entitled+to+access+this+instance&j_reason_code=invalid_login

I assume you want to fix this, since the Java JDK will have to be accessible for all AEM customers (and my Adobe ID even has partner status).