Hi community,
i am working on a custom process step that fetches the administrators group members emails and send the custom email template , i am able to fetching the members mails and template but getting the error org.apache.commons.mail.emailException:Invalid message supplied. The below is the process step code i am working on and the smtp configurations
public void execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap metaDataMap) {
ResourceResolver resourceResolver = null;
try {
// Obtain ResourceResolver from the session
resourceResolver = getResourceResolver(workflowSession);
String payloadPath = workItem.getWorkflowData().getPayload().toString();
Resource resource = resourceResolver.getResource(payloadPath);
// The workflow is triggered due to a specific metadata change, so no need to check if the metadata changed
if (resource != null && resource.isResourceType("nt:unstructured")) {
log.info("Workflow triggered for asset: {}", payloadPath);
// Fetch email addresses of the administrators group members
String[] emails = getAdminEmails(resourceResolver);
if (emails.length > 0) {
// Parameters for the email template
Map<String, String> emailParams = new HashMap<>();
emailParams.put("senderEmail", "noreply@day.com");
emailParams.put("assetPath", payloadPath);
emailParams.put("message", "Metadata has been changed for the asset.");
// Email template path
String emailTemplatePath = "/etc/notification/email/metadata-change-template.html"; // Adjust this path as needed
// Send the email
sendEmail(resourceResolver, messageGatewayService, emailTemplatePath, emailParams, emails);
} else {
log.warn("No email addresses found for administrators.");
} else {
log.warn("Resource at path {} is not of type dam:Asset", payloadPath);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error in Metadata Change Notification Process", e);
private ResourceResolver getResourceResolver(WorkflowSession workflowSession) throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> authInfo = Collections.singletonMap(
ResourceResolverFactory.SUBSERVICE, "providence-user"
return resourceResolverFactory.getServiceResourceResolver(authInfo);
private String[] getAdminEmails(ResourceResolver resourceResolver) {
List<String> emailList = new ArrayList<>();
try {
// Fetch UserManager from ResourceResolver
UserManager userManager = resourceResolver.adaptTo(UserManager.class);
// Fetch the group using the group ID
Authorizable authorizable = userManager.getAuthorizable(ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP_ID);
if (authorizable.isGroup()) {
Group userGroup = (Group) authorizable;
Iterator<Authorizable> membersList = userGroup.getMembers();
while (membersList.hasNext()) {
Authorizable member = membersList.next();
if (member != null && !member.isGroup()) { // Ensure it's a user and not another group
javax.jcr.Value[] usrEmail = member.getProperty("./profile/email");
if (usrEmail != null && usrEmail.length > 0) {
for (javax.jcr.Value emailValue : usrEmail) {
String email = emailValue.getString();
log.info("Email for member {}: {}", member.getID(), email);
if (email != null && !email.isEmpty()) {
emailList.add(email); // Add email to the list
} else {
log.warn("No email found for member: {}", member.getID());
} else {
log.warn("Group not found: {}", "GroupId");
} catch (RepositoryException e) {
log.error("Error fetching administrator emails", e);
return emailList.toArray(new String[0]);
public static void sendEmail(ResourceResolver resourceResolver, MessageGatewayService messageGatewayService, String template, Map<String, String> parameters, String[] emails) throws IOException, MessagingException, EmailException {
MailTemplate mailTemplate = MailTemplate.create(template, resourceResolver.adaptTo(Session.class));
MessageGateway<HtmlEmail> messageGateway = messageGatewayService.getGateway(HtmlEmail.class);
HtmlEmail email;
email = mailTemplate.getEmail(StrLookup.mapLookup(parameters), HtmlEmail.class);
List<InternetAddress> emailRecipients = new ArrayList<>();
for (String addEmail : emails) {
emailRecipients.add(new InternetAddress(addEmail));
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Hope you have already identified the solution for the above, if not please find below the article related to the similar error if it helps
Hope you have already identified the solution for the above, if not please find below the article related to the similar error if it helps