At local system we have multiple assets. The task was all assets upload via CSV file in aem dam.
I approached the AEM Tools import assets CSV file module. But it was not working. I check the module of import csv file assets at AEM instances, unfortunately that module was not presents at AEM sdk.
I need solution for this. How to make visible of import csv assets module and aem tools import part.
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CSV importer is part of ACS.
To install this you need to download latest ACS tools package from and install it to local via package manager(http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr).
Once installed you can find the "CSV asset importer" under tools > ACS commons
You can watch for clear understanding.
Thanks for reply.
I clearly mention at description part, I already used ACS AEM tools, but it is not working. I used Official document and video reference. That case was not working.
You better elaborate on what did you validate and what didn't work.
in the configMgr check if below components are active or not. If not activate the components and try again.
Also you can check and activate the tool at http://localhost:4502/miscadmin#/etc/acs-tools/csv-asset-importer
if you can't find these components try re installing the ACS package.
@gvk19694 ACS Commons > CSV Importer should work, can you provide the details what is not working like any error or what is the approach you followed. We have been using the tool for past few years it is working as expected.
1. Align the csv file in sync with asset folder schema or asset metadata that is defined in AEM DAM
2. Make sure to keep the origin path of assets resides at the same location where AEM installed.
3. Common issue: Make sure to provide required permissions for the origin assets folder.
I followed same steps, and also csv file was also same. I checked at console also everything was, it means all bundles are in active state and running fine.
You have to provide absolute file dump path, the error states it is unable to find the assets. Refer below screenshot.
Thank you!!
This is my CSV file
By seeing your CSV, Couple of things you may need to check or correct.
1. Make sure relSrcPath at first column and values should be forward slash same as how AEM Path you provided.
./media/100/test.png |
/content/dam/assets/sales-migrated/media/100/test.png |
2. The column value type needs to be in sync with AEM metadata schema type which you defined.
Eg: dc:title is it multi or just {{string:single}} or you can leave that as blank for single fields. Refer my screenshot.
3. Don't leave any spaces next to column name
Eg: cq:tags{{string:multi}}
Please compare the schema field types against your column name values, you can refer your metadata schema. Some may be multi value type and some may not. under http://localhost:4502/mnt/overlay/dam/gui/content/metadataschemaeditor/schemalist.html?formPath=/con...
If this still doesn't work try adding just one column, it should work.
I followed the steps which you provide, but it is not working. Even I retried uninstall and removed the ACS AEM Tools and reinstalled not getting success. I checked at console it is working fine. I don't know where it was going wrong.
@gvk19694 whats the error you are getting in error logs? Can you please share the error logs? It is straight forward it should work, have you compared your schema & csv file column properties?
Have you tried giving permissions to assets folder where you kept the assets.
eg: chmod -R 777 <folder name>
I'm getting a problem assets was not imported in dam through csv. This problem I'm getting at https://<> not at my local device (It means localhost:4502). So I have direct production environment work. For that it was not work through aem sdk, it works directly my project provided aem url.
If it is in Prod and you are trying to upload using dns url https://<>//etc/acs-tools/csv-asset-importer.html
It should work, it doesn't matter whether you are trying local or stage or prod.
I used to do using dns url not through localhost. Only thing you have to make sure where the original assets reside? Is it same place aem quick start folder resides?
> AEM 6.5 > Author > crx-quick start
> <Your orignial assets folder>
then provide full access permissions to that folder > AEM 6.5 > <Your orignial assets folder>
print the path using pwd command
it will print /apps/adobe/aem6.5/<Your Original Assets folder>
then provide this path under Assets dump location in csv importer widget. Make sure in csv file it has same path or ./<asset-name>
If you follow this steps it should work, have you tried checking error log. It will provide detail description at which level this migration is failing.
@gvk19694 Did you find the suggestions from users helpful? Please let us know if more information is required. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you have found out solution yourself, please share it with the community.
@kautuk_sahni Thanks for reply. My problem was not solved
It doesn't look a product issue to me. Since we can't have screen share or access your instance.
I would suggest raising a support ticket with adobe and have a quick call with them. They should able to review and suggest.