Hi teams,
Recently according to customer's request I am doing some investigation regarding a AEM workflow issue. While I am checking the author log I found the following error being recorded.
00:30:52.385 [cm-p16063-e41235-aem-author-8647d5d7ff-ggkns] *ERROR* [xxx.xx.xx.xxx [xxxxxxxxxxxx] POST /content/dam/{asset path}/upload.completeUpload.json HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.cq.assetcompute.impl.servlet.CompleteUploadAssetServlet Complete upload asset servlet commit failed due to conflict for asset [/content/dam/{asset path}/xxx.pdf]
Does any one have an idea what is this "Complete upload asset servlet commit failed due to conflict for asset" error? In what kind of scenario will this error occur and be logged?