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Level 8

Hi All,


I am currently facing a challenge in identifying specific pages under

 "/content/products/zh-cn"  where the rollout date later than translation date.


To achieve this, I've attempted to construct an SQL query utilizing properties such as cq:lastRolledout and cq:lastTranslationUpdate the query does not yield the desired results.

Notably, I've encountered discrepancies in cases where the cq:lastTranslationUpdate property is absent, yet the page still requires listing based on rolledout date.


Here's the query I've attempted:

first scenario rollout date>translation date

1. SELECT [jcr:path], [cq:lastrolledout], [cq:lasttranslationupdate]
FROM [nt:base]
WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE('/content/products/zh-cn')
AND [cq:lastrolledout] IS NOT NULL
AND [cq:lasttranslationupdate] IS NOT NULL
AND [cq:lastrolledout] > [cq:lasttranslationupdate]


2 second scenario pages don't have translationdate property

SELECT [jcr:path], [cq:lastrolledout]
FROM [nt:base]
WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE('/content/products/zh-cn/')

AND [cq:lastrolledout] IS NOT NULL
AND [cq:lasttranslationupdate] IS NULL


Unfortunately, first query is met with a java.text.ParseException, and it fails to execute successfully. Second query not giving proper results


Could anyone kindly provide guidance or an alternative approach to address these scenarios effectively


1 Reply


Level 3

If I was presented with this task to figure out what I would do is I would just pull a report of all pages under that path with their translation date and last rollout date into Excel.  And then I would do a CountIF("range of pages and their translation date and rollout data","rollout date>translation date").