In SiteCatalyst:
iPhone (and possibly other phones) by dimension ‘Mobile Device’ are reported incorrectly.
For example a sample report for visits for a few days on our site shows:
Apple iPhone 1315685
Apple iPhone Simulator 12
Apple iPhone 5 3
Apple iPhone 4S 1
‘Mobile Device’ does recognize versions, but it is not correctly reported.
Is this something that can be fixed in SC?
The dimension Mobile Screen Size is reported as:
Apple iPhone: 320 x 480
Apple iPhone 5: 640 x 1136
Apple iPhone 4S: 640 x 960
For 5 and 4S this is the correct physical device dimensions.
Is this input coming from lookup tables maintained by SiteCatalyst?
We would prefer the device w and h to be reported (CSS device independent pixels), as opposed to physical w and h. See
That is we want the device pixel ratio to be considered too.
While this is something we can calculate ourselves in SC (since we are sending dpr in a context variable), it would be nice if it were available directly in SC.
Is this possible?