Description -
Please add the “noindex” robots meta tag to the <head> of the HTML or update the default robots.txt of omniture servers to disallow crawlers from indexing the site content. Currently when using first party cookies that are hosted on omniture servers, google and bing will index those servers and return blank results for the pages (since there is no useful content on the tracking servers).
Why is this feature important to you -
We do not want omniture servers that are cnamed to our domain to appear in search results.
How would you like the feature to work -
update robots.txt
instead of:
User-agent: *
it should be
User-agent: *
Or better solution is to modify the servers to add the “noindex” robots meta tag to the <head> of the HTML
Current Behavior -
robots.txt allows googlebot to index the servers and the blank pages:
When these servers are cnamed to our domain then it looks like our company is providing blank pages in search results