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IP Login Restrictions




When logging in via the Experience Cloud, it would be great to be able to enforce IP Login restrictions for security purposes.

Analytics supported this before logging in via the Experience Cloud. Per the documentation, here's what you can do:

Limits report access to specific IP addresses or IP address ranges.

You can add up to 100 entries in the IP Address Filter list, and each entry can be a specific address or a range of addresses.

Enforce IP Login Restrictions is not enforced until there is at least one entry in the IP Address Filter list.

Accepted IP Address : To specify an IP address range, enclose the range in brackets (for example, 192.168.10.[20-240] ). You can also use wildcards (*) to specify any number from 0 to 255 (for example, 192.168.[10-14].* )



Level 10


Adobe announced that the IP restriction in Adobe Analytics is going to be depreciated. However they still have not provided same feature in experience cloud.


We rely on this feature to grant access to third parties to our Analytics data for specific IPs only. We need to make sure that if someone leaves the third party they cannot access our data outside of their network or our network.


Any idea of when the IP restriction feature will be available in Experience cloud  ?


Level 2


Did Adobe come up with anything? When I rasied this they pointed me towards federated IDs, but unless i'm wrong this doesn't help me with any third party who currently can access Analytics via the IP whitelist as @traviss58479077  and @Alexis_Cazes_  have mentioned above. Being that I can't demonstrate ownership of their domain, I can't see how federated IDs would work in that situation.


Surely Adobe can't end a method if there isn't an adequate replacement?


Level 1


My company will have the same problem, currently we are granting third party access to AA via IP whitelist. How can they continue to use AA if we implement SSO and Federated ID?


Level 1


Financial clients in Korea gave feedback that it was difficult to use Adobe Analytics without IP restrictions. Could you please allow us to continue using this feature?