Description - AEM is sending duplicate content to the third party applications when the page is submitted for the translation which has Experience fragment referred in it.
Example: Let's assume, we have a page where experience fragment is used. The moment experience fragment is added on the page, 'text' property gets created at node level and all the experience fragment content will be stored at page level as well which is not required.
Ref: Experience Fragment content /data will be stored in text field as plain text which is unused, so the text property needs to be removed to avoid duplicate content at translation application level (ex: Smartling) issues when the page is submitted for the translation.
Why is this feature important to you - Since there is a duplicate content at the translator end, translation team charges additional amount.
How would you like the feature to work - Removed 'text' property which is not required.
Current Behaviour - Unused 'text' property causing issues and to be removed.