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"statusCode": 500, "message": "Internal server error" while fetching menuitems


Level 3

i am trying to add app menu at  adobe admin through adobe app builder.Now i am hitting API to get menu items but i am getting this error . i filled each header value correctly.

here is details

API -https://aemx-mngr.adobe.io/v1/extensions?extensionPoints=commerce/backend-ui/1



self::HEADER_AUTHORIZATION => 'Bearer ' . $this->config->getIMSToken(),
self::HEADER_X_ORG_ID => $this->config->getOrganizationId(),
self::HEADER_X_API_KEY => 'aemx-mngr-adobe-commerce'

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10 Replies


Community Advisor


Can you check the logs? Can you post the whole trace?

Esteban Bustamante


Level 3

i am hitting API through Postman and it is showing internal server error ,logs file generated by the admin commerce ,can you please elaborate which logs you are taking about.


Community Advisor

Oh sorry, i didn't catch that you were using POSTMAN, is there any further info along with the 500 error? 

Esteban Bustamante





Happy to help on this.

Can you please give more context on what you're trying to achieve with this? Where will these menu items be displayed or fetched? 


Can you also please share some details on how menu items are registered in your app builder application?


Quick note: App builder registrations will not be accessible through `aemx-mngr.adobe.io`.




Level 3

i am beginner so correct me if i am wrong
we are integrating adobe commerce with the adobe app builder. admin-ui-sdk allow app builder developer to extend commerce admin with custom menu and pages. configure the commerce-backend-uix module through composer.which help us for the local testing . where we set the host URL of the adobe app builder .local testing of admin-ui-sdk tells us that our commerce has successfully integrated with adobe app builder are not .when we click on test connection button at admin commerce it hit the adobe menu API to fetch the menu-items...



Admin UI SDK, as you said, allows the customization of the Adobe Commerce Admin Panel through extension points registered in the App Builder application. For local testing, when the application is running locally, the commerce instance should be running locally and a local server should be up and running. Additionally the config of Admin UI SDK in the commerce instance should be adjusted (Stores -> Settings -> Configuration -> Adobe Services -> Admin UI SDK). 

Here's a link to the documentation with details on the above description: https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/extensibility/admin-ui-sdk/configuration/

If your customization is not displayed, you can always check the logs in your Commerce instance to check if there's an error related to loading registrations from App Registry. You can run the following command: 

more ./var/log/system.log | grep -i "Admin UI SDK"

Can you please specify where the Test Connection button is located as Admin UI SDK doesn't rely on a Test Connection button?


Level 3

Stores -> Settings -> Configuration -> Adobe Services -> Adobe I/O Event



Adobe I/O Event is the configuration for events and not linked to Admin UI SDK.


Level 3

Then how we will able to verify that our adobe app builder is connected to adobe commerce



Admin UI SDK will be using the Adobe Admin IMS to connect with App Registry securely where your application is registered. On a local instance, the mock server will be used. In a cloud instance this connection is done by enabling the Adobe Admin IMS module in commerce, linking it correctly to your organization. 

More details of IMS and Commerce for Admin UI SDK: https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/extensibility/admin-ui-sdk/installation/#adobe-commerce

More details on how to prepare your application for production: https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/extensibility/admin-ui-sdk/publish/