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PDFServices SDK Seal Document POC


Level 1



I would like to perform a small POC using the PDFServices SDK for Java to seal a PDF document, so I can get a benchmark on processing time to upload a PDF document, seal it and have the sealed document returned to the calling application.


My question, is there a test certificate I can use for the POC, or do I need to buy a certificate from one of the Adobe Trust Service Providers (TSP), which are Cloud Signature Consortium (CSC) compliant?


Thanks in advance.



4 Replies


Level 2

Hi, you can create your free credentials for your POC from here,

DC Integration Creation App (adobe.com)

but it will have some limitations to the use (500 transactions a month currently, might change over time).



this is the documentation link which will help you further! Happy Learning!



Level 1

I have created an account described above, to perform a POC on sealing a document I need a Certificate to sign the document. I was asking whether there was a trial certificate that could be used. 


Level 2

You can follow the steps below to create your own digital ID first,

Manage Digital IDs in Acrobat (adobe.com)

And then use the certificate (public key) for sealing the PDF. Hope this helps.



@DMer Did you find the suggestions from users helpful? Please let us know if more information is required. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you have found out solution yourself, please share it with the community.

Kautuk Sahni