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Multiple Footer in Edge Delivery Services


Level 2

I am trying to create a footer (document-based authoring) in Edge Delivery Services. Firstly, I created the footer (google Docs) in the parent folder. But I want to create a different footer in sub-folders (use case - multiple footers for different sub-folders).

But sub-pages are still using the parent footer. How to use the sub-footer in these pages?

1 Reply


Level 2

How to link the different footers within the sub-folder? I'm giving the drive path of the parent folder in fstab.yaml file like this

/: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pRF0KxPzywoBxiUdfnklZeqDfp2EaUcn

 Did I have to make changes in this file for mapping of different footers to sub-folders? And how to do it?