we have workflow which triggers to rename an asset but my workflow is getting triggered multiple times with following exceptioncom.adobe.granite.workflow.core.job.JobHandler Error executing workflow stepjava.lang.NullPointerException: nullat com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.job.JobHandler.process
Hello, i'm trying to fill an image field via API, but i'm getting no success: That's how i'm parsing the data to the json object. That goes along with other transient documents and data. I even tried using with base64 object but no success. Could oyu guys give a hint? Thanks in advance!
In the pursuit of orchestrating a multitude of tabular representations within a singular spreadsheet matrix, one encounters the exigent desire to compartmentalize said tables within distinct, yet cohesively interconnected, tabbed realms. While the methodological implementation of the "Output Data" t...
Hallo,I am looking for an example, how to use the UserSyncTool (UST) in combination with the OAuth-Server-to-Server-Credential with an existing OAuth-AccessToken.Testing the new OAuth-connection always generates a new OAuth-AccessToken. The UST documentation seems to have only an example for the con...
Creating an Asset: I want to create an asset using AemContext without using InjectMocks. Could anyone provide a sample code snippet or guidelines on how to achieve this?Handling Excel Files in Tests: I need to place an Excel file in the test resources of my IntelliJ project and load it in my test c...
Could you please advise, what is the step to getting sandbox URL for workfront inorder to test the api for proof, comments, page versions,print Summary, download print summary
I was recently working with a consultant and provided a solution to calculate the 'Expected percentage complete" which is being requested by our PMs. We had this in a previous tool and I need to replicate in Workfront. The recommendation is below, however I need guidance on how to go about doing thi...
I have this link https://example.com/Full+Page&JC=Landing+Page+Submit+Prebooking in the button component but When clicked, spaces are encoded as %20:L=Full%20Page&JC=Landing%20Page%20Submit%20Prebooking.Can you help me with this?, I have the model and implementation but It doesn't work
I'm trying to generate a clientlib for an Angular SPA in AEM using aem-clientlib-generator. By default, the baseHref (or deployUrl) for the resources folder in the clientlib is /etc.clientlibs/<proj-name>/clientlibs/clientlib-angular/resources.This works fine in the local AEM environment (http://loc...