I had this problem quite a lot of times while testing my App Builder Application.Basically I always first tried to run the actions via the Experience Shell yet run into problems because of it regularly.(aio app run)The error always looks like that with different "code":time: 874 msfailed request to ...
We are in the need of whitelisting AppBuilder (Firefly) infrastructure so that only requests coming from the IP Ranges it has would be allowed for communication with external systems it needs to connect. We used the following as the base for our need https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experienc...
I wanted to store some of my API response in datastore/ database (which am currently using my local db), however if I use App Builder, is there a provision to store data (not cache) but store it for later usage.
Hello people, i have been trying to make log forwarding to splunk instance that splunk instance seems to be working well (is a splunk cloud trial) and after doing a curl it seems to be working well: curl -k https://xyx-y-xxxx.splunkcloud.com:8088/services/collector/event -H "Authorization: Splunk x...
Hi @adobe Team, Incident ID raised to Adobe : 220422-000111Due to some challenges to capturing the Transaction data from UI, we are capturing using S2S integration to Adobe analytics.But some of the transaction events are not reflecting in the Adobe analytics even though we are receiving the respons...
Hey there, the title pretty much explains what I want to inquire about.I was told by the support that they don't answer this type of questions and that I should come here to ask them:I am currently testing the adobe app builder but before actually using it for anything more than testing I would like...
Hi Adobe team, I recently got accepted into the App Builder trial program and I'm trying to create a project from template however when I click the save button on my project it gives me the following error "Service getValidateAppName failed. Error code: 415 , Error message: Unsupported Media Type". ...
Hi Here is my requirement where am using headless app, post invoking I want to push data to Adobe campaign classic through acc-js-sdk but in this sdk canvas module has been used so when I run aio app deploy/run I am getting below error.so now in order to support canvas.node file I need to use node-l...
Hello, I'm playing around with CloudEvents and have the following issue: I configured Eventmetadata and then fire an event like folowing:function createCloudEvent(providerId, eventCode, payload) { let cloudevent = new CloudEvent({ source: 'urn:uuid:' + providerId, type: eventCode, data...