Hello, Using: "Service Account (JWT)" with "PDF Services API" Problem:I can no more use this method: "Export PDF (https://cpf-ue1.adobe.io/ops/:create?respondWith=...) I always get the error, "401 Not authorized to call this engine". { "cpf:status": { "completed": true, "type":...
Hi Everyone, I have a list of text iterated in Sightly (I am using multifield and iterating using data-sly-list ). PFA screenshots.Can anyone let me know how to make them radio button and when a user selects the options, each option should save a value for that node.Example:If a user selects "textOn...
Hi Team I recently observed Page versions are getting created only when I use the normal page publish option to publish (which we usually get in edit mode) and quick publish option, not getting auto-created when i use the manage publication option to publish a page, I wanted to check if it is an exp...
Can we access multiple sling model classes to one html file using sightly?Example: I have two classes MultiDataFetchermodelOne and MultiDataFetchermodelTwo <div data-sly-use.multiDataFetcher="${'com.myproject.core.models.MultiDataFetchermodelOne'}">// logic here</div> How can I call the 2nd model c...
I need to build on a solution to flush the dispatcher cache on activation of content fragments/ experience fragments with activating the content page. The content pages are generated dynamically, there are no physical pages available on the publisher. There are two approaches are recommended - The p...
Our certificate expired for our integration and we can't use OAUTH yet.We tried to obtain a new JWT but it's only offering us OAUTH via the Developer console.Is there a way to get back to the JWT menu again and create a new certificate until we upgrade?
Hi! I need help with a project that I created in Adobe Builder Console, which will be an extension. I used OAuth2 provider and I added it to the Stage workspace. In the deploy_stage.yml file, I saw that there is an "Auth" step and what variables need to be set in Github (see first image). I set all ...
I have a requirement to have a table inside RTE component. I could have a table inside RTE but the table inside the RTE component is not responsive. is there any way to make the table responsive inside RTE?
Hey guys,Last week (6th of October) I tried the adobe photoshop 7-day free trial and the same day I cancelled my plan (I can prove it with a screenshot) , because it was too expensive for my budget.Today after I cancelled my plan, the price of the package still deducted from my account.I attached t...