I want to update the permission related to experience fragment using yaml in AEM 6.5 . I tried like below- path: /content/experience-fragmentspermission: allowprivileges: ${privRead}repGlob: "" but it is not updating the existing permissionsI wnat to give read permission only to this path /cont...
Is it possible to switch roles in the mobile app? For example, can I log in as a manager, admin, or author? Or is it only possible to log in as a learner?
hi.https://developer.adobe.com/express/add-ons/docs/guides/getting_started/quickstart/#prerequisitespage to set up the SDK development environment.I'm getting No SSL related certificate or key files were found error on npm start.Do I need to set up SSL certificate separately?Developers around me say...
When I upload a main landing page hero image and view it in "View and Published" the image is clear and non pixilated. Once I move the page to preview or production the image is downgraded and is blurry. How can this be remedied? Here is an example page, the top hero image is blurry in production no...
If Anyone has a clue that would be nice. The mail talks about an "organization" using my mail and I dont understand which organisation uses my mail. I am a private person and own no company. Thanks in advance
upgraded nodejs to 18.20.2 and npm to 10.8.1, angular 16. ours is an angular project and builds are failing with this error ./node_modules/bcryptjs/dist/bcrypt.js:64:13-45 - Warning: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'crypto' in '/apps/jenkins-agent/agent/workspace/l-aem-rewrite_feature_rel_no...
I am trying to implement an auth system similar to supabase-auth, using postgres and RLS for the user database. I am creating users that map to 2 postgres roles (admin and regular), and I want to create some sort of policy to be able to let users only view their information. As such, I need to be ab...
Trying to initialize my project and given this error, when logging in I am signed in successfully and in the developer console I have made my projects.I tried "aio login -f" on friday, and it worked perfectly. However today it doesn't seem to work.
Hi there,I have been issues with installation of pdfservices-sdk and pdfservices-extract-sdk.Since there were lots of other things that were installed, and doubted the conflict, I created a fresh windows user, installed a brand new local python (3.12.4) and retried.It failed again and with exact sam...
Hi there,i ran the following command :$ mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage and got the error like this:saying: Request to http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/service.jsp failed, response=Unauthorized. but i am able to click open it:http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/service.jsp withou issue....