We are trying to create an application where we can get vector images automatically packed for our motion designers. When we are trying to integrate with Stock API I am not able to select any Server to Server OAUTH which I assume does not exists. In our case are not able to implement normal OAUTH flow for the users. Everything will be handled at backend. What would be the correct way to do this using 1 master account?
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Hi. There is a forum for Adobe Stock that would be a better place for this question:
However, I can answer the question. You must be a Stock Enterprise customer to see the Server OAuth integration option, and you must have System Admin privileges (or be in the Developer group). Server integrations are not available for other types of Stock accounts.
Are you building an integration for a customer who has an enterprise Stock contract?
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No, we are building an application where we can storyboard the content that will be produced. In the storyboard we would like to use stock images. These stock images will be used by us to produce the content but there is a preview screen where user sees the images with voice over attached. In this case we do not want to show watermarked images. Stock assets are not licensed or distributed to any third party. We would like to use our own accounts for this process but could not do it unless we add OAuth integration for client. Our client's do not use Adobe Stock, we use it.
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Without a license or a contract in place that permits this, you cannot access unwatermarked previews. The next best option would be to use a thumbnail size below 500px that does not have a watermark, such as the 240 pixel tall thumbnail with variable width. This does not require authorization, so you do not need a bearer token. Here is an example:
You can get URLs to these thumbnails from the Search API by requesting the `result_columns` field called `thumbnail_240_url`. Example:
"id": 27928592,
"thumbnail_240_url": "https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/00/27/92/85/240_F_27928592_5JBXq78Kr0PaPbKkI8mAZI7jPiJEVFaR.jpg"
For more info, see https://developer.adobe.com/stock/docs/api/11-search-reference/.
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