I would like to have updated info about the possibilities of Whatsapp integration to ACS ?
We are currently under the 7.2 version.
Is there any doc about what is required ?
Thank you !
Best regards
Camille Longueville
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Hi Camille.
Whatsapp is not supported in ACS. That said, another forum post does detail a potential workaround to integrating ACS with WhatsApp (see below):
Hey @CamilleLo2
You mentioned 7.2 as a version - are you talking about Campaign Classic and not Standard?
In any case, that sounds like you would need to leverage Adobe and WhatsApp APIs to do the integration as there is no out-of-the-box connectors.
Hi Tristan,
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Hi @CamilleLo2,
In the case you are talking about Classic you will need to use a third party service provider and a custom conector as as far as I know there is no out of the box routing or connector for Whatsapp Messages.
If you want to follow this approach be aware to double check with Adobe Support that in case there is any issue they will give you support.
Kind regards,