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Schémas / Input forms


Level 2

Hello everybody

I am a beginner in the adobe Campaign tool, I have an idea of a simple project but I do not know how to do it on the platform.

firstly, I’m sorry for my English, just tried to understand me.

Step 1: create an open dbEnum.

Step 2: Create a schema Template of type content, using the dbEnum.

Step 3: create two schemas DB, Email and Block, with a link between the two schemas (an Email contains one or more blocks).

Step 4: Create a typed form that contains both schemas, but block type list? with the buttons (add, delete, filter, search).

  • so that I can add or delete a block from an email.

Step 5:

- query Email to get global attributes.

- query Block to loop on all the blocks.

To display the contents of an Email X (the dbEnum) with its Blocks in the first Template schema.

what I have done:

for the first step: Administration ----> Platform ----> itemized Lists ----> Add

for the second step: Administration ----> Configuration ----> Data Schemas ----> Add ---> Create a schema for the content management

<attribute dbEnum = "email" label = "Name" length = "10" name = "name" type = "string" />

for the third step:


<key name = "emailDB">

<keyfield xpath = "@ name" />

</ Key>

<attribute dbEnum = "email" label = "Name" length = "10" name = "name" type = "string" />

<attribute label = "Title" length = "150" name = "title" type = "string" />

<attribute label = "Paragraph" name = "paragraph" type = "string" />


<key name = "id">

<keyfield xpath = "@ blockId" />

</ Key>

<attribute advanced = "true" label = "Block ID" name = "blockId" type = "long" />

<element label = "HTML code" name = "code" type = "html" />

that's what I could do

7 Replies


Level 10


I saw that you wrote "schémas" like in French. If easier for you, please post in your own language, we'll manage to translate .



Level 10

Hi Abdelkaim,

Apologies for the delay! I am unable to understand your question here.

Are you trying to use content management module? what you have described matches with the official documentation, mentioned here

Use case: creating content management

If you facing difficulties with any step please post your screenshots, we would be able to help you!




Level 2

Hi Amit

Oui je veux utiliser le module de gestion de contenu, mais sur la documentation que vous m’avez présenté, je n'ai pas trouvé la bonne solution pour résoudre le problème.

Ce que je veux comme résultats :

D’afficher en fin l’email avec la liste des blocks choisis, basé sur l’énumération que j’ai définie dans le premier schéma.

* J’ai créé le premier schéma avec l’énumération de type ouvert.

* J’ai créé les deux schémas de donnes Email et block avec le lien entre eux.

* J’ai créé la forme email mais je ne sais pas comment je peux créer une liste des blocks et comment je peux l’inclus dans la forme email.




Level 10


Normalement la documentation est à jour sur cette fonctionnalité. Pouvez-vous partager plus d'informations sur là où ça coince pour vous ? Ou sur les différences avec votre use case ?

