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Location of file downloaded with 'Web Download' workflow activity


Level 4

Hi all,

I am using a Web Download tool to make a request to a URL and save the content returned. The thing is that I have no way to know where the content is finally saved:

  • On one hand, according with the documentation, the default storage with be the 'vars' directory of the installation, which I don't have access to
  • On other hand, if I try to use a manual one instead, I don't know what's the path to our customer folder so I can include it there (something like /home/electro_mkt_prod1 or alike)

Can I please get an advice?

Thanks in advance


5 Replies


Level 4


Is anyone able to give a hand on the above?




Level 10

Hi Guillermo,

By default, the default storage directory a Web download activity is:

<adobe install folder>/var/<instance name>/workflow/wf-<workflow name>/httpTransfer

(replace / by \ for Windows server)

If you select another folder (storage directory), please be sure to check the hints below:

Please confirm that you type a specific folder reachable by Adobe Campaign account on the applicative server, I mean, that there is no right access issue for the AC applicative server account.

If you are On Premise hosting, perhaps ask an administrator to set a specific folder with full write privileges (Linux or Windows is the same here).

It is not a question of privileges, please double check the pathname syntax, especially if you calculate dynamically the folder by using a variable (perhaps the variable is not correctly) and of course use / for Linux, \ and possibly \\ for Windows




Level 4

Thanks Jean-Serge,

I think the interesting point is what you say about Please confirm that you type a specific folder reachable by Adobe Campaign account on the applicative server, I mean, that there is no right access issue for the AC applicative server account.

As I don't really know what directory structure is available, or we can have any right access to, I would not know what to use there. I could make up things like '/home/customers/electro' but it's only guessing.

I hope it makes sense.

Thanks again anyway



Level 10

If you are hosted On Premise, ask your system administrator, if you are hosted On Cloud, ask to Adobe support where you can write such custom folders.


Level 3


try this logInfo("Download File: " + vars.filename); in the advanced in the advanced tab of your web download activity.

It should give you the path.
