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Export Adhoc reports as PDF in a workflow


Level 10

Hi all,

I am  trying to export adhoc reports as pdfin a workflow but i am unable to find a correct solution. This solution works for other reports but adhoc.

var reportName = "RPT10";

var path = "export/report.pdf";

var exportFormat = "PDF";

isAdHoc = true;

//originUrl = "http://XXXX.XXXXX.com/view/adHocReport";

originUrl = "http://XXXX.XXXXX.com/xtk/adHocReport.jssp";

//originUrl = "http://XXXX.XXXXX.com/xtk/jsp/exportReport.jsp";

if( document.__securitytoken ){

originUrl += "&__securitytoken=" + document.__securitytoken;


var reportLabel = "Tracking Logs by Category-Test";

var _ctx = <ctx _context="global" _reportContext={reportName} __universe="reports" reportId="339421"  _reportLabel ={reportLabel} _originUrl = {originUrl} />;


I tried passing all possible originUrl(required for adhoc type) but it's not working. Anyone here who have exported adhoc reports?




1 Reply



Hi Amit,

I think we need to modify the command used to generate "export to pdf" reports which is defined in the serverconf.xml here.

You may try to add a specific command mentioning the url:{originUrl} .

<!-- Configuration of the service for converting web pages into PDF documents

         command :  Command line for running the conversion (in 'other' mode) example for phantomjs - -ignore-ssl-errors=true '$(XTK_INSTALL_DIR)/bin/htmlToPdf.js' '-out:{outPdf}' '-post:{postFile}' '-url:{originUrl}' -sessiontoken:{sessiontoken} -format:{format} -orientation:{orientation} -marginTop:{marginTop} -marginLeft:{marginLeft} -marginRight:{marginRight} -marginBottom:{marginBottom}

         maxProcessusCount :  Max. number of conversion processes allowed at a time on one machine. Default: 5

         mode :  Tool to use for the conversion (phantomjs|wkhtmltopdf|other|disabled) Default: 'phantomjs'

         timeout :  Maximum conversion time in seconds. Beyond this threshold, the conversion process is stopped and an error is raised. Default: 120

         verbose :  Start in verbose mode to diagnose possible errors. Default: false

         waitTime :  Delay in seconds, when all processes are used at the same time and when waiting for a process to free up. If this delay is exceeded, conversion is stopped and an error is raised. Default: 15 -->

    <htmlToPdf command="" maxProcessusCount="5" mode="phantomjs" timeout="120" verbose="false"


Alternately , if the mode is set to phantomjs , you may try to change the mode to htmlToPdf.js and give a try.
