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ERROR: httpResponse is not an object.


Level 5

I am using the HTTPRequest to GET lead lists form a third party (FB,MailChimp ect..). I can make the correct request and get back data but I am not sure of what steps to take next. I thought I could just use dot notion to iterate through the nested objects/array's. How can I iterate through the response object for specific keys?

Adobe CampaignAdobe CampaignAPI Error

Here is my code:

var url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=mount%20juliet&APPID=a1fc052d2344c79bc4cbecb9de90fc...";

var http = new HttpClientRequest(url);

http.header["Content-Type"] = "application/xml";



var httpResponse = http.response.body.toString();


What comes next? Why does httpResponse.name not return the city name of the object?

If I just take the toString() result (literally copy and paste) it into another var I am able to get the key:value pair.

  var wd = {"coord": {"lon":-86.52,"lat":36.2},

            "weather":[{"id":800,"main":"Clear","description":"clear sky","icon":"01d"}],








            "name":"Mount Juliet",


  //this loop returns all the keys in the object




  var name = wd.name;


  --Correct LOG--

  06/10/2018 8:58:41 AM Mount Juliet

When I use the method toDocument() I get the 3 keys available, but I still can't index or iterate to the correct key:value pair.

var httpResponse = http.response.body.toDocument(); 




06/10/2018 8:59:08 PM root

06/10/2018 8:59:08 PM documentURI

06/10/2018 8:59:08 PM documentElement

This gets me 'name is undefined'

var httpResponse = http.response.body.toString();

var name = http.response.body.name;


It doesn't seem like Adobe Campaign uses dot or bracket notation to parse the httpResponse objects. What am I missing?

Message was edited by: David Loyd

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 10

ignore the second part, Forums formatting messed up. use this

  1. function getResponseJSON(request)
  2. {
  3. var responseJSON = {};
  4.   if(request && request.response && request.response.body) {
  5.     var rawResponse = request.response.body.toString();
  6.     if(rawResponse)
  7.     {
  8.       responseJSON = JSON.parse(rawResponse);
  9.       if(responseJSON)
  10.       {
  11.   logInfo(responseJSON.toSource());
  12.         return responseJSON;
  13.       }
  14.     }
  15.   }
  17.   return responseJSON;
  18. }
  19. var url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=mount%20juliet&APPID=a1fc052d2344c79bc4cb ecb9de90fc17&mode=json";
  20. var http = new HttpClientRequest(url);
  21. http.header["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
  22. http.method="Get";
  23. http.execute();
  24. var httpResponse =getResponseJSON(http);
  25. logInfo(httpResponse.name);

View solution in original post

5 Replies


Level 10

HI David,

Use below function to get the response from Request obj

function getResponseJSON(request)


var responseJSON = {};

  if(request &&& request.response && request.response.body) {

    var rawResponse = request.response.body.toString();



      responseJSON = JSON.parse(rawResponse);




        return responseJSON;





  return responseJSON;





Level 5

Amit Kumar​,

thank you for the timely response.

I get a syntax error on the &&&. is that meant to be &&?

Perhaps I am a bit too novice, but could you provide some explanation on how to use this? I've plugged this function in a few different ways and I'm not returning anything (besides the syntax error). no errors and no data.

Is the 'request' variable in your function supposed to be my key:value pair I am looking for?


Level 10

yeah, it's &&. I made a typo.

here you go, do not forget to add required libraries.

  1. function getResponseJSON(request) 
  2. var responseJSON = {}; 
  3.   if(request && request.response && request.response.body) { 
  4.     var rawResponse = request.response.body.toString(); 
  5.     if(rawResponse) 
  6.     { 
  7.       responseJSON = JSON.parse(rawResponse); 
  8.       if(responseJSON) 
  9.       { 
  10.   logInfo(responseJSON.toSource()); 
  11.         return responseJSON; 
  12.       } 
  13.     } 
  14.   } 
  16.   return responseJSON; 
  17. }
  18. var url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=mount%20juliet&APPID=a1fc052d2344c79bc4cbecb9de90fc..."
  19. var http = new HttpClientRequest(url);
  20. http.header["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
  21. http.method="Get"; 
  22. http.execute();
  23. var httpResponse =getResponseJSON(http); 
  24. logInfo(httpResponse.name);
  1. function getResponseJSON(request) 
  2. var responseJSON = {}; 
  3.   if(request &&& request.response && request.response.body) { 
  4.     var rawResponse = request.response.body.toString(); 
  5.     if(rawResponse) 
  6.     { 
  7.       responseJSON = JSON.parse(rawResponse); 
  8.       if(responseJSON) 
  9.       { 
  10.   logInfo(responseJSON.toSource()); 
  11.         return responseJSON; 
  12.       } 
  13.     } 
  14.   } 
  16.   return responseJSON; 
  17. }


Correct answer by
Level 10

ignore the second part, Forums formatting messed up. use this

  1. function getResponseJSON(request)
  2. {
  3. var responseJSON = {};
  4.   if(request && request.response && request.response.body) {
  5.     var rawResponse = request.response.body.toString();
  6.     if(rawResponse)
  7.     {
  8.       responseJSON = JSON.parse(rawResponse);
  9.       if(responseJSON)
  10.       {
  11.   logInfo(responseJSON.toSource());
  12.         return responseJSON;
  13.       }
  14.     }
  15.   }
  17.   return responseJSON;
  18. }
  19. var url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=mount%20juliet&APPID=a1fc052d2344c79bc4cb ecb9de90fc17&mode=json";
  20. var http = new HttpClientRequest(url);
  21. http.header["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
  22. http.method="Get";
  23. http.execute();
  24. var httpResponse =getResponseJSON(http);
  25. logInfo(httpResponse.name);


Level 5

Amit Kumar

Thanks again!

I am now able to parse the object as expected!