I have a query resulting in multiple lines that I need to display in an email to then send it to the rcpManager which is the profile I need to send the email to.
facilityId | Name | Addr1 | Addr2 | Phone | managerCode | rcpManager | |
123 | Joe's Garage | Lorem | Dolor | joe@garage.com | 12345 | 5 | manager@adobe.com |
456 | Car Express | Ipsum | Sit Amet | car@express.com | 6778 | 5 | manager@adobe.com |
Now, I need to display these in an email using a loop, but it doesnt seem to work for me?
<% for (var i =0;i<=context.targetData.length;i++) { %>
<!---somehtml tables and columns here--->
<%= context.targetData[i].facilityId%> </span>
<%= context.targetData[i].name%> </span>
<%= context.targetData[i].Addr1%> </span>
If I try to get the length of targetData it comes back as undefined
`<%= context.targetData.length %>` --> undefined
If I get the length of facilityId its fine.so how do I iterate through all the rows?
`<%= context.targetData.facilityId.length %>` --> 8
What would be the correct way?
Solved! Go to Solution.
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@o_X, You will not be able to get the length of the link rather it will work on the additional data field. You can correlate this with the visibility condition, If you look at the visibility condition to display the structure component it will work on the field level.
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I get the length of the facilityid value in integer, the template seems to only just fetch a random record out of the two that I want to iterate.
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What is the schema structure? It is possible to share the screenshot of targeting dimension and targetData?
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This is what I gathered from the query transition (after deduplication).
The query has a link to an many table returning a single record collection and link to another 0:1 to get some more data.
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Hello @o_X
Bringing data from 1:N link to targetData will only bring any one record.
Did you try something like this?
<% for (var i =0;i<=context.targetData.nacmemberfacilitynacFacilityLink.length;i++) { %>
<!---somehtml tables and columns here--->
<%= context.targetData.nacmemberfacilitynacFacilityLink[i].facilityId%> </span>
<%= context.targetData.nacmemberfacilitynacFacilityLink[i].name%> </span>
<%= context.targetData.nacmemberfacilitynacFacilityLink[i].Addr1%> </span>
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I tried
and the length comes up as undefined, it should come up at least with the index 0 its so weird
I then removed all additional data to N collections, and still the length of targetData is undefined
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body style="" class="">
<%= context.targetData.length %>
<%= context.targetData.facilityName %>
Here is the result of the transition data
the length of targetData is still undefined, but if I do `context.targetData.faciliyName.length` then it returns something, i would have thought it would return at least the index value 0 or 1.
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Anyone? this should be a basic thing to do, I doubt im the only one facing this issue?
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@o_X, You will not be able to get the length of the link rather it will work on the additional data field. You can correlate this with the visibility condition, If you look at the visibility condition to display the structure component it will work on the field level.