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Bug: Dynamic Content Hidden Character


Level 2


I'm having an issue where dynamic content is adding weird hidden characters above and below the variant blocks. There's no way to remove this and it's being included in the send, breaking my emails. I have custom HTML set up in compatibility mode and am not interested in following the email designer code structure.

Screen Shot 2019-08-07 at 10.02.28 pm.png

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.



1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 2

Thanks for trying to help. These characters are being added by the editor around dynamic content and there's no way of removing them unless I switch to the legacy editor. I might log a support ticket to see if they can have a look.



View solution in original post

5 Replies


Level 2
<!DOCTYPE html>

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   <div class="nl-dce-variant nl-dce-variant-block nl-dce-if nl-dce-multiconditional" data-nl-variant-group="1564624641933" data-nl-variant-label="Test" data-nl-variant-index="1" data-nl-expr="" data-nl-condition-type="multiple">

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   <td style="padding: 0px; background-color: #FFFFFF;">

  Test Default





   <!--[if mso | IE]>









Level 2

It works when you paste the html into the delivery, but once you save it, close the window then reopen, these blank characters are added to the template which can be viewed using inspect element.


Level 4

I just attempted to create this template and I do not see any extra characters anywhere.

The code &#65279; is a zero-width no-break space character. (http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/feff/index.htm)

Adobe should not insert something like that, but if you have designed your template via something like Dreamviewer and then copy-paste template code into Adobe, it might sneak in there accidentally. Adobe will allow you to past Unicode characters into the template, but when the template is saved, they will be converted into their XML representation.

I suggest to install something like notepad++, open new text file and set UTF-8 encoding. Copy your HTML code into this text file and save it. It will convert any Unicode character into "?" or an empty string. Now just delete them and copy the clean code to Adobe.


Correct answer by
Level 2

Thanks for trying to help. These characters are being added by the editor around dynamic content and there's no way of removing them unless I switch to the legacy editor. I might log a support ticket to see if they can have a look.

