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☕ [Adobe Campaign Community Q&A Coffee Break] February 9th, 9am PT: Bruce Swann, Principal Product Marketing Manager & Chakravarthy Kalva, Sr Product Manager☕



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Join us for our next Adobe Campaign Community Q&A Coffee Break, on Thursday, February 9th, 2023 @ 9am PT


We will be joined by Bruce Swann aka @btswann, Principal Product Marketing Manager and Chakravarthy Kalva aka @chakravarthyk, Senior Product Manager who will be signed in here to chat directly with you to take your queries pertaining to:

  • Adobe Campaign Standard – Roadmap and Future Strategy



  • Must be signed in to the Community during the 1-hour period 
  • Post a Question about Adobe Campaign Coffee Break topic on this thread
  • Think of this as the Adobe Campaign Community equivalent of an AMA, (“Ask Me Anything”), and bring your best speed-typing game



  • Click the blue “Reply” button at the bottom right corner of this post
  • Begin typing your Question by tagging @btswann and/or @chakravarthyk



Bruce Swann is a Principal Product Marketing Manager for Adobe Campaign, focused on marketing and product strategy for Adobe Customer Journey Management solutions. He has over 20 years’ experience working with digital marketing disciplines like web analytics, social media, mobile marketing and email marketing, as well as marketing and CRM technologies, including marketing automation, predictive analytics and marketing resource management.





00225361.jpgChakravarthy Kalva is a seasoned Technical Product Manager with vast experience in CRM domain, especially Sales and Marketing. He has been in this space for over 8+ years and is part of Adobe Campaign Product Management evangelizing Adobe’s campaign product.


Sukrity Wadhwa

Topics help categorize Community content and increase your ability to discover relevant content.

16 Replies


Level 2

@btswann - can you provide insight into what migrating from Campaign Standard would look like.  Will existing data come over?  We data imports need to be rebuilt?



Hi @cwammes, The plan is to provide migration tools that would help move your data both meta data and the actual underlying data (predominantly). There might be a few corner cases that might need some manual work but by and large, the idea is to keep it as seamless as possible. 


Level 2

@btswann - What support will there be for accessing the APIs of external systems using workflows, both in future versions of Standard and in the upcoming unified Adobe Campaign?




@bgsueeid, accessing external APIs using Workflows is definitely one of the top items under consideration in our roadmap list of items on AC Standard.


In the unified Adobe Campaign version, our primary goal at this point is to provide a better, superior user experience for Marketer persona. Once we achieve this milestone we will be thinking about APIs until then we continue to use the existing feature set. 



Greetings! Welcome to  Adobe Campaign Community Q&A Coffee Break.


Level 2

@btswann - are there any upcoming webinars to see what the new unified Adobe Campaign will look like?



We will be unveiling the new UI in Adobe Summit. Here is the link to it. FYI.. between now and Summit if we happen to conduct any webinar on this subject we will post it in the community here and will also send out invites. 



Level 2

@btswann - is there any functionality that will be removed in the transition from Standard to unified?



@bgsueeid, we will try and provide parity between both the versions. For now, the idea is to not leave out any function or functionality. 


Level 2

@btswann  What is the target timeline for the transition to a unified Adobe Campaign?



We are currently looking at ~18-24 months from now.


Level 2

@btswann - one of our struggles is making Adobe Campaign accessible for non-technical user.  Can you talk about the unified campaign will help with that.  



@cwammes, our plan with the AC is to bring the new web user interface that would help the power user (Marketer), non-technical user accelerate their day-to-day activities. To name a few features...

A More modern, intuitive and dynamic

  • New smart drag-and-drop Email designer
  • Build audiences with the new rule builder
  • Measure the effectiveness of your campaign with built-in reports


Level 2

The APIs for ACC and ACS are not at parity today. As you work towards a unified Campaign, can we share any guidance on how we should think about where the APIs will go? Will one of the two become the center of gravity and then be made more robust? Will it be completely rethought? Can we expect much in the way of new API functionality in the next 18-24 months as you work towards the unified Campaign?



Yes, we acknowledge that ACC and ACS APIs are not at parity today. But by the time we have this migration tooling ready, we will bridge the gap. Idea is to reimage/rethink our current setup and provide a robust, best in class new API functionality. 



Thanks a lot @chakravarthyk for taking out the time to chat with us today! This was supremely helpful.

Sukrity Wadhwa