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TLS support on Adobe Campaign v6.02


Level 1

We've just upgraded to adobe campaign v6.02

after enabling TLS support in the serverConf.xml file

<smtp enableTLS="true" idleSessionTimeoutSec="5" initialDelaySec="4" maxSessionsPerChild="1000">

We start getting the following error, cpu was 100% by process and no outbound emails were processed.

2018-11-11 12:58:06.074-05         00001104             000003B8               1           error      log          Error in SSL library: 'error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version (code 336032814)' (iRc=-53)

Had to disable TLS support for outbound emails to be delivered. Now all emails are being sent with no tls encryption.

How is TLS support enabled in v6.02 , also where are the ssl certs being used by Adobe Campaign during tls encryption? I didn't install any certs during the v6.02 upgrade...not quite sure how TLS works with no certs installed on adobe campaign. Thanks

1 Reply


Level 10

Hi Mohamed,

Are you using Salesforce TLS with the Campaign CRM connector? If so, support was discontinued on July, 2017: Salesforce TLS 1.0 support ending and Campaign

Please contact your customer success manager or account manager to review the upgrade options for your system. A migration for a version prior to 6.1.0 to a 6.1.1 or v7 needs to be analyzed by our Professional Services.

Hope this helps!

All the best,
