Hello Folks,
We have some dynamic URL's that are present in Email Content. They are not getting tracked initially, later with the inputs from some of our forums members , i changed the URL to make it tracked.
Initial URL configured was <a href="<%= targetData.myUrl %>h8h8h7h6-3jhk-23rt-987d-2jk4l5m678bv">. Here entire Protocol and Domain Name are personalized and coming from the transition data.
I followed 2 approaches:
1. Changed the URL as <a href="https://<%= targetData.myUrl %>h8h8h7h6-3jhk-23rt-987d-2jk4l5m678bv"> kept protocol outside and able to track now. (This is not recommended approach)
2. Use of <%@ instructions <a href="<%@ include view='myUrl' %>h8h8h7h6-3jhk-23rt-987d-2jk4l5m678bv" _label="My URL">Click here</a> where i created a personalized block and configured the scriptlet there. It is getting tracked and working fine.
But in the above 2 approaches, URL's are getting tracked with Scriptlet. I want exact URL value that is present inside the Scripltet. My final output should be: https://www.xyz.com/text&id=h8h8h7h6-3jhk-23rt-987d-2jk4l5m678bv but not <%= targetData.myUrl %>h8h8h7h6-3jhk-23rt-987d-2jk4l5m678bv
Could some please help me on this requirement, as usual quick help is appreciated
Sri Bhargav
This can't be done normally since personalization happens after tracking URL parsing.
It can be done with some bad gymnastics, by storing myUrl to broadLog and having a workflow alter trackingUrl etc after the fact.
you can also use ACC CMS (content management module) to accomplish this.
I haven't seen CMS used, which part does that?
In the CMS you can implement javascript template and compute the urls in the content management workflow activity. It's work a bit as the html rendering in the interaction module.
Thanks for all your responses,
I haven't used CMS Module ever. But we can try the way what Jon mentioned.
Sri Bhargav
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Hi (@DavidKangni) David,
Would you be willing to go into a little more detail about this process and it's involvement of CMS?
Thank you,
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