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Error while using File Transfer activity for transferring files to a FTP


Level 7

Hello Folks,

I am trying to transfer a file to a FTP location, i have configured an External Account with FTP and using same in File Transfer activity. In activity, i provided server folder and enabled "Use the file generated by the previous activity".

But when i ran the workflow, i am facing below error repeatedly:

04/01/2019 12:43:44 AM fileTransfer Upload error in cURL

04/01/2019 12:43:44 AM fileTransfer Upload failed (at start/before it took off)

04/01/2019 12:43:44 AM fileTransfer Upload failed (at start/before it took off)

Could you please help me in what went wrong? Is it something to do with access restrictions?


Sri Bhargav

2 Replies


Level 4

Hi Sri,

It seems that there is an error in the URL.

Could you please show me how the external account was configured?




Level 7

Hey Geoffrey,

Thanks for pointing out, yes my URL was wrong i missed '/' at some place in URL. There is nothing wrong in External Account, actually i provided path wrongly in File Transfer activity


Sri Bhargav