Hi @LakshmiPravallika,
I would try with the following code:
var query = xtk.queryDef.create(
<queryDef schema="xtk:workflow" operation="select">
<node expr="@id"/>
<node expr="@internalName"/>
<node expr="activities/scheduler/@label"/>
<node expr="activities/scheduler/@executionPattern"/>
var result = query.ExecuteQuery();
for each (var wf in result.workflow) {
var workflowName = wf.@internalName;
var schedulerLabel = wf.@label;
var executionPattern = wf.@executionPattern;
if (executionPattern) {
logInfo("Workflow: " + workflowName + " | Scheduler: " + schedulerLabel +
" | Execution Schedule: " + executionPattern);
This script goes through each workflow an retrieves the execution schedule. The result will be logged in the workflow logs.
Here I leave you with some useful links:
API documentation
JSAPI documentation
Hope it helps.
Kind regards,