Within my data a customer can have numerous activity IDs assigned to them. They're assigned a new ID for each activity that they complete on our website.
Each activity ID has an activity date/time attached to it. How can I add an activity ID as Additional Data within an enrichment that is the first activity ID of any given day?
Furthermore, a customer is also given an IdentityID
So the data would look like this. How would I add only ActivityID 011d to the data within the workflow?
| ActivityID
| Activity Date Time |
123 | 011d | 03/13/19,12:00AM |
123 | 012s | 03/13/19,12:01AM |
123 | 013o | 03/13/19,12:02AM |
123 | 014pi | 03/13/19,12:03AM |
123 | 015uj | 03/13/19,12:04AM |
123 | 016mq | 03/13/19,12:05AM |
123 | 017hjk | 03/13/19,12:06AM |
123 | 018upo | 03/13/19,12:07AM |