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RecipientSubscribe - Multiple Recipients to Subscribe to a Service


Level 4

Hi All,


I have a requirement where I need

1. Multiple recipients to subscribe to more than one service


I am trying to use the RecipientSubscribe to do the same, but unable to create the 

XML          recipient 

parameter. Can somebody please help me on the same


The set of recipients are coming as part of a query in workflow, can we use any Workflow activity other than JS to achieve this ? In Subscription services activity can we map 2 services at a time ?








6 Replies


Community Advisor

Hello @dipendu_g 


You can do something like this:

  var recipient = {recipient: {_key: "email", email: "john.smith@example.com"}} // identify the recipient
nms.subscription.Subscribe("SVC1", recipient, false) //subscribe to service 1
nms.subscription.Subscribe("SVC2", recipient, false) //subscribe to service 2
nms.subscription.Subscribe("SVC3", recipient, false) //subscribe to service 3
nms.subscription.Subscribe("SVC4", recipient, false) //subscribe to service 4


more details on the function is here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/developer/campaign-api/api/sm-subscription-Subscribe.html

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Level 4

Hi @_Manoj_Kumar_ ,


I am looking for multiple recipients to subscribe at one Service.

Can't we use the RecipientSubscribe  API ?






Community Advisor

Try using this.



 nms.subscription.RecipientSubscribe ( 
    <choiceList selectAll="false">
        <key value={rcpId}/>
            <condition expr={"@id = '"+rcpId+"'"}/> // condition to filter the recipient
    <entityList selectAll="false">
        <key value="12732"/>
            <condition expr="@id = '12732'"/>   // condition to get the service

Note: Don't use the bulk update the recipients via APIs. Always chunk them in small payloads.


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Level 4

Hi @_Manoj_Kumar_ ,


Since we are using the rcpId in the where clause, would it restrict to just one recipient at a time. Cany we have a set of recipients in choiceList






Community Advisor

Hello @dipendu_g 


Yes you can hardcode the values to fix one like this.

 <condition expr="@email IN 'test@gmail.com,test2@gmail.com'"/>

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