
"messages to sent" by channel and month?


Level 5

I need to know how much messages where sent by channel and month. 

Is this possible with a workflow?

Not the quantity of deliveries, but the quantity of "messages to send" that where effectivly sent.

4 返信



Hi @ogonzalesdiaz ,


There are multiple ways of achieving this.


Using a workflow, you can query the broadlogRcp schema or the custom delivery log schema (if you created one) and then take the count of messages that were sent. 


Level 5

I don't find the field where the amount of "messages to sent" is store... is it in broadLogRcp?



Hi @ogonzalesdiaz ,


You can count the number of records in broadLogRcp schema where status is "Sent". This will give the count of messages already sent.


You can also look at the delivery indicators like the processed count, success, sent count etc..



The above screen shot shows the count of messages processed and success count from the delivery schema.


Level 5

@AnanthanJa hi, 

how do you count the records?

Could you provide clear steps since I'm kind of new to ACC?