Hi I have created a web app There is two page in web app also i have using customer details table to store custid firstname emai mobile . in the first page ill be giving the cust Id , once its got submitted then it will redirect to next page there the remaining column of the table are included like firstname email mobile . So what my question is when i have provided the cust id it has to fetch the each data of the record which i referenced in the form for example if im giving custid as 001 next page details would be kavya as firstname kavay@gmai.com as email and 90988780 this should be as mobile and if im giving custid as 003 next page details would be sneha as firstname sneha@gmai.com as email and 896876789this should be as mobile
My idea whould be the cust id should validate with exiting cust id and it should fetch the records based on cust id Does anyone knows please help me to achieve it and note im not passing custid while registering the data Im using the dashboard link of the web app to achieve that ! FYI i have attached my web app workflow