I do not have an issue calling and logging in if I make the call via HttpWebRequest, but have an issue trying to understand how the proxy classes generated are to be
I have generated the WSDL classes for queryDef, XtSession, and rtEvent and are trying to use those classes to make the calls
When I do below I get the foillowing error
SOP-330011 Error while executing the method 'Logon' of service 'xtk:session'.
Any help will be appreciated ...e.g do I need to make additional modification to the generated WSDL file etc...
using (XtkSession proxySession = new ConsoleApplication1.session.XtkSession())
string userName = "userName";
string pass = "Pass";
string sessionToken = string.Empty;
XmlElement sessionInfo;
proxySession.Url = "https://server/nl/jsp/soaprouter.jsp";
string rslt = proxySession.Logon("", userName, pass, null, out sessionInfo, out sessionToken);