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How to log into journal and store open ratio of deliveries using javascript


Level 3

Hi Everyone,


I'm facing an issue in displaying and storing the value of open ratio using JavaScript. I have used the below code, please let me know where i'm wrong.


// query the database to find the winner (best open rate)
var winner = xtk.queryDef.create(
<queryDef schema="nms:delivery" operation="get">
<node expr="@id"/>
<node expr="@label"/>
<node expr="@internalName"/>;
<node expr="[@operation-id]" alias="operationId2"/>
<node expr="[indicators/@estimatedRecipientOpenRatio]" alias="ratio"/>
<node expr="[indicators/@totalRecipientOpen]" alias="estimated"/>;
<condition expr="@internalName='DM187125'"/>

for each (var w in winner){
vars.ratio = w.@ratio;
logInfo("The value of open ratio is " +vars.ratio); - This displays blank.
logInfo(winner); - This displays all the values in the journal.

Any help would be appreciated.




1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor



Try this:


logInfo("The value of open ratio is " +""+vars.ratio+""); 

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View solution in original post

7 Replies


Level 8

Hi Akash,


Try this this should work inside for loop and rest of your code is fine


for each (var w in winner.ratio)

logInfo("The value of open ratio is " + w);



Kapil Kochar


Level 3

Hi Kapil,

Appeciate your help.

I used the below code but i still get blank.


// query the database to find the winner (best open rate)
var winner = xtk.queryDef.create(
<queryDef schema="nms:delivery" operation="select">
<node expr="@id"/>
<node expr="@label"/>
<node expr="@internalName"/>;
<node expr="[@operation-id]" alias="operationId2"/>
<node expr="[indicators/@estimatedRecipientOpenRatio]" alias="ratio"/>
<node expr="[indicators/@totalRecipientOpen]" alias="estimated"/>;
<condition expr="@internalName='DM187125'"/>

for each (var w in winner.ratio)
logInfo("the winner is" +w);




Level 8
working fine for me.. i tested it on my instance.. also you can try to check value for operationid2 by using below for each (var w in winner.operationId2)


Level 8

working fine for me.. i tested it on my instance.. also you can try to check value for operationid2 by using below for each (var w in winner.operationId2){logInfo("Operation Id is "+w)}


Correct answer by
Community Advisor



Try this:


logInfo("The value of open ratio is " +""+vars.ratio+""); 

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Level 3
How to use this? can you explain?


Hi @_Manoj_Kumar_, Can you please help @akashaj7696 further please? Thanks!

Sukrity Wadhwa