Does anyone know how to create this table using a workflow?
| month | emails | push | sms |
| august | 120 | 15 | 10 |
| september | 233 | 12 | 23 |
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Hello @ogonzalesdiaz ,
ofcourse here is my take on the problem:
Group by Channel and Add expression for contact date YearAndMonth([scheduling/@contactDate]) give it alias e.g. @yearAndMonth and check the "Group" on the field settings
<enumeration basetype="byte" default="mail" label="Channel" name="messageType">
<help>Type of messages to send.</help>
<value desc="Email channel" img="nms:email.png" label="Email" name="mail" value="0"/>
<value desc="Mobile channel (SMS)" img="nms:mobile.png" label="Mobile (SMS)"
name="sms" value="1"/>
<value desc="Telephone channel" img="nms:phone.png" label="Phone" name="phone"
<value desc="Direct mail channel" img="nms:paper.png" label="Direct Mail" name="paper"
<value desc="Fax channel" img="nms:fax.png" label="Fax" name="fax" value="4"/>
<value applicableIf="HasPackage('nms:centralLocal')" desc="Agency channel" img="nms:agency.png"
label="Agency" name="agency" value="5"/>
<value applicableIf="HasPackage('nms:social')" desc="Facebook channel" img="nms:facebook.png"
label="Facebook" name="facebook" value="20"/>
<value applicableIf="HasPackage('nms:social')" desc="Twitter Channel" img="nms:twitter.png"
label="Twitter" name="twitter" value="25"/>
<value applicableIf="HasPackage('nms:mobileApp')" desc="iOS applications channel"
img="nms:ios.png" label="iOS channel" name="ios" value="41"/>
<value applicableIf="HasPackage('nms:mobileApp')" desc="Android applications channel"
img="nms:android.png" label="Android channel" name="android" value="42"/>
<value applicableIf="HasPackage('nms:line') OR HasPackage('nms:lineV2')" desc="LINE channel"
img="nms:line.png" label="LINE" name="line" value="61"/>
<value desc="Other channel" img="nms:other.png" label="Other" name="other" value="120"/>
<!-- value 127 (a.k.a all channels) is already defined in other schemas (i.e nms:operation, nms:remaHypothesis, nms:typologyRule)-->
<!-- NEO-34473: make sure enum value is in the range of one byte signed-->
<value desc="Undefined channel" img="nms:other.png" label="Undefined" name="undefined"
Marcel Szimonisz
MarTech Consultant
for more tips visit my blog
Hello @ogonzalesdiaz ,
ofcourse here is my take on the problem:
Group by Channel and Add expression for contact date YearAndMonth([scheduling/@contactDate]) give it alias e.g. @yearAndMonth and check the "Group" on the field settings
<enumeration basetype="byte" default="mail" label="Channel" name="messageType">
<help>Type of messages to send.</help>
<value desc="Email channel" img="nms:email.png" label="Email" name="mail" value="0"/>
<value desc="Mobile channel (SMS)" img="nms:mobile.png" label="Mobile (SMS)"
name="sms" value="1"/>
<value desc="Telephone channel" img="nms:phone.png" label="Phone" name="phone"
<value desc="Direct mail channel" img="nms:paper.png" label="Direct Mail" name="paper"
<value desc="Fax channel" img="nms:fax.png" label="Fax" name="fax" value="4"/>
<value applicableIf="HasPackage('nms:centralLocal')" desc="Agency channel" img="nms:agency.png"
label="Agency" name="agency" value="5"/>
<value applicableIf="HasPackage('nms:social')" desc="Facebook channel" img="nms:facebook.png"
label="Facebook" name="facebook" value="20"/>
<value applicableIf="HasPackage('nms:social')" desc="Twitter Channel" img="nms:twitter.png"
label="Twitter" name="twitter" value="25"/>
<value applicableIf="HasPackage('nms:mobileApp')" desc="iOS applications channel"
img="nms:ios.png" label="iOS channel" name="ios" value="41"/>
<value applicableIf="HasPackage('nms:mobileApp')" desc="Android applications channel"
img="nms:android.png" label="Android channel" name="android" value="42"/>
<value applicableIf="HasPackage('nms:line') OR HasPackage('nms:lineV2')" desc="LINE channel"
img="nms:line.png" label="LINE" name="line" value="61"/>
<value desc="Other channel" img="nms:other.png" label="Other" name="other" value="120"/>
<!-- value 127 (a.k.a all channels) is already defined in other schemas (i.e nms:operation, nms:remaHypothesis, nms:typologyRule)-->
<!-- NEO-34473: make sure enum value is in the range of one byte signed-->
<value desc="Undefined channel" img="nms:other.png" label="Undefined" name="undefined"
Marcel Szimonisz
MarTech Consultant
for more tips visit my blog
Hi @Marcel_Szimonisz , why the first query has a : sent proof == No?
Sometimes, our deliveries sent a proof before sending the message to final users.
Is the first query:
1.- Excluding all the deliveries that used a proof before sending the final message? Or
2.- Is excluding all the proofs only?
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Hello @ogonzalesdiaz,
I did small type between those two conditions put OR instead of AND.
hi @Marcel_Szimonisz , I don't find the fields:
I'm querying nms:delivery, but I don't find "contact date" or "channel".
Please, could you elaborate on where to find them?
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ah its data of filtering dimension sorry
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Hi @Marcel_Szimonisz , how do you :
Group by Channel and add expression for contact date YearAndMonth([scheduling/@contactDate]) give it alias e.g. @yearAndMonth and check the Group
Thank you.
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there is checkbox group
and for adding expression you need to click on field and then on right you have this blue icon.
Thanks @Marcel_Szimonisz , last question:
In your last image I don't see the channel field, but only email, sms, push.
Should I remove it? Why was it added in the first place?
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Im not grouping by channel. it seems as i was changing my original answer i said to group by channel. the final settings should loook like below