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Hi How to configure the MTA? Cannot send out the emails.


Level 2

Hi there,

I met an issue when sending out emails via my personal server.

I set the server configuration per the guideline but still failed to send out the email. (The SMTP server is installed, I can correctly send/receive letters using methods other than Adobe.)


The proof status is stuck at "start pending".

And below is my MTA setting for serverConf.xml:

<mta args="-tracefilter:nlmta" autoStart="false" dataLogPath="" debugPath="" dnsRequestLogDelayMs=""

       errorPeriodSec="300" initScript="" logEmailErrors="true" logLevel="2" maxMemoryMb="1024"

       maxProcessMemoryAlertMb="1800" maxProcessMemoryWarningMb="1600" minConnectionsToLog="100"

       minErrorsToLog="1" minMessagesToLog="1000" notifRelay="" processRestartTime="06:00:00"

       purgeDataLogDelay="15" retryLostMessages="true" runLevel="10" statServerAddress=""

       statServerTLSSupport="true" statServerVersion="" verifyMode="false" workingPath="$(XTK_INSTALL_DIR)/var/$(INSTANCE_NAME)/mta/"

       xMailer="nlserver, Build $(PRODUCT_VERSION)">

    <cache maxPeriodSec="244800" maxSizeOnDiskMb="1024" purgePeriodSec="3600"/>

    <relay address="" port="25"/>

    <master dataBasePoolPeriodSec="30" dataBaseRetryDelaySec="60" domainKeysReloadPeriodSec="600"

            maxSpareServers="2" minSpareServers="0" startSpareServers="0"/>

    <child extraArgs="" idleChildTimeoutSec="60" maxAgeSec="600" maxGCMConnectPerChild="32"

           maxMsgPerChild="5000000" maxWaitingMessages="2000" maxWorkingSetMb="128"

           soapConnectorTimeoutSec="600" startWithFirstMX="false" timeToLive="48">

      <smtp enableTLS="false" idleSessionTimeoutSec="5" initialDelaySec="4" maxSessionsPerChild="1000">




MTA setting for my specific instance.xml:

<mta autoStart="false" statServerAddress="">



        <IPAffinity name="default,mid.default,dev.default,test.default">

          <relay address="" port="25"/>

          <!--  For dev instances, if you need a default IP (not recommended), use address="" -->

          <IP address="" heloHost="" publicId="" weight=""/>





Server version:


Could anyone please provide some advice? Thank you very much!

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor


In your instance conf, set autostart="true", and fill out the IP element, e.g.:

<IP address="" heloHost="localhost.localdomain" publicId="1" weight="1"/>

Then restart nlserver6 service.

NB You have a relay address set in your serverConf.xml. If intended it should be moved to the instance conf- serverConf is supposed to be used as a read-only reference.



View solution in original post

1 Reply


Correct answer by
Community Advisor


In your instance conf, set autostart="true", and fill out the IP element, e.g.:

<IP address="" heloHost="localhost.localdomain" publicId="1" weight="1"/>

Then restart nlserver6 service.

NB You have a relay address set in your serverConf.xml. If intended it should be moved to the instance conf- serverConf is supposed to be used as a read-only reference.

