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Extract Survey Responses dynamically from temp:webAppLogRcpData


Level 1


I am trying to build a workflow where I extract dynamically the answers from surveys, the answers are stored in the temp schema temp:webAppLogRcpData. 

To access the temp schema I need to use the activity "Survey Responses", if there is any other way please let me know. 

I am trying to introduce the WebApp via JS in teh advanced tab:

activity.survey.internalName = "YYYY"

But this is not working. 

I have also tried to introduce:

activity.survey_cs = "XXXX (YYYYY)"
activity.extension.schema[0].element.sysFilter.condition.expr= "[webAppLogRcp/webApp/@internalName] = 'YYYYY"
activity.survey.internalName = "YYYYY";


But it is also not working. The activity runs but extracts the information from the Webapp I have selected in the General tab. 

Can anyone help me with this?



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