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Error while evaluating document - Attribute unkown


Level 7

I'm trying to do a nms.recipient.load() of one of my recipients in a Delivery, but it keeps giving me this error 



Error while evaluating document
Attribute 'compras' unknown (see definition of schema 'Recipients (nms:recipient)').
XTK-170036 Unable to parse expression '@compras-id'.
Element 'id' unknown (see definition of schema 'Recipients (nms:recipient)').
XTK-170036 Unable to parse expression '@compras-id'.
QUE-370014 Error during query generation (for a document of type 'Recipients (nms:recipient)').
SCR-160012 Javascript: error while evaluating script 'content htmlContent'.



Any idea? @Heku_ @alnavarg @_Manoj_Kumar_ 

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Hello @CampaignerForLife ,


It seems that this attribute exist in schema but not in data base table.

This looks like a custom attribute (@compras-id') . It would not be available  out of box schema which you shared below. 


Can you please do the following check? 


1.  Go to Administration -> Data schema -> nms:recipient -> Preview




2. Enter Ctrl+F and search for @compras-id



3. If it is there, then it means it has been added in recipient extended schema. 

 Go to the recipient extended schema and make sure this attribute defined correctly.

4. Go to the Update database structure.





5.  Click next and next. 

6. Then you would get the SQL code. You need to check if this filed is there under recipient. 

    If it is there, then it means it is not in SQL table. 

7. Click next and create this field in  data base.

8. Clean your cache and try again. 


Hope this will help you.






View solution in original post

8 Replies


Community Advisor

Hello @CampaignerForLife 


Could you please share the code and the schema structure of recipient?

     Find me on LinkedIn


Level 7

Hello Manoj

<% var Y = nms.recipient.load("1133542569"); %>
var x = nms.recipient.create({recipient: { email: "support@adobe.com",lastName: "Adobe", firstName: "Support"}}); %></P>
Hello, <%= x.firstName %></BODY></HTML>

This is the code i'm trying to use in a delivery.

The second one (Var x) works properly. The first one, var Y, will give me that error 


Level 7

And here you have the recipient

<srcSchema desc="Recipient table (profiles" entitySchema="xtk:srcSchema" genAccessors="false"
           img="nms:recipient.png" label="Recipients" labelSingular="Recipient" md5="A021AA3AA332794E91E6F099A647FFE1"
           name="recipient" namespace="nms" xtkschema="xtk:srcSchema">
  <enumeration basetype="byte" name="gender">
    <value label="None specified" name="unknown" value="0"/>
    <value label="Male" name="male" value="1"/>
    <value label="Female" name="female" value="2"/>
  <enumeration basetype="byte" name="status">
    <value label="Prospect" name="prospect" value="0"/>
    <value label="Client" name="customer" value="1"/>
  <enumeration basetype="byte" name="messageFormat">
    <value label="Unknown" name="unknown" value="0"/>
    <value label="Text" name="text" value="1"/>
    <value label="HTML" name="html" value="2"/>
    <value desc="Edits the mail encoding to become a Deco-mail for Japanese provider DoCoMo"
           label="Deco-mail (DoCoMo)" name="deco" value="3"/>
    <value desc="Edits the mail encoding to become a Deco-mail for the Japanese provider KDDI AU"
           label="Decoration Mail (KDDI AU)" name="kddi" value="4"/>
    <value desc="Edits the mail encoding to become a Deco-mail for Japanese provider Softbank"
           label="Decore Mail (Softbank)" name="soft" value="5"/>
  <element autopk="true" filterPath="@email" folderModel="nmsRecipient" img="nms:recipient.png"
           name="recipient" pkSequence="NmsRecipientId" pkgStatus="never">
    <compute-string expr="@lastName + ' ' + @FirstName +' (' + @email + ')' "/>

    <!-- Do not use the name lastName, account, email, mobilePhone, lastModified, origin
         to define a recipient index, they were used on older instance before NEO-8228.
         This is a work-around as changing the path of an index will not update its db definition
         if its name stays the same...
    <dbindex name="email2">
      <keyfield xpath="@email"/>
    <dbindex name="lastName2">
      <keyfield xpath="@lastName"/>
    <dbindex name="firstName">
      <keyfield xpath="@firstName"/>
    <dbindex name="account2">
      <keyfield xpath="@account"/>
    <dbindex name="mobilePhone2">
      <keyfield xpath="@mobilePhone"/>
    <dbindex name="lastModified2">
      <keyfield xpath="@lastModified"/>
    <dbindex name="origin2">
      <keyfield xpath="@origin"/>
    <dbindex indexOption="searchFromStart" name="email3">
      <keyfield xpath="@email"/>
    <dbindex indexOption="searchFromStart" name="lastName3">
      <keyfield xpath="@lastName"/>
    <dbindex indexOption="searchFromStart" name="firstName3">
      <keyfield xpath="@firstName"/>

    <attribute default="GetDate()" label="Creation date" name="created" type="datetime"/>
    <attribute label="Modification date" name="lastModified" type="datetime"/>

    <attribute label="Account #" length="30" name="account" type="string"/>
    <attribute desc="Origin of address (broker...)" label="Origin" length="80" name="origin"
               type="string" userEnum="origin"/>
    <!-- should be one per address type, and three state -->
    <attribute label="No longer contact (by any channel)" name="blackList" type="boolean"/>
    <attribute label="No longer contact by email" name="blackListEmail" type="boolean"/>
    <attribute label="No longer contact by phone" name="blackListPhone" type="boolean"/>
    <attribute label="No longer contact by fax" name="blackListFax" type="boolean"/>
    <attribute label="No longer contact by SMS/MMS" name="blackListMobile" type="boolean"/>
    <attribute label="No longer contact by direct mail" name="blackListPostalMail"

    <attribute dataPolicy="smartCase" desc="Recipient last name" label="Last name"
               length="50" name="lastName" type="string"/>
    <attribute dataPolicy="smartCase" desc="Recipient first name" label="First name"
               length="30" name="firstName" type="string"/>
    <attribute dataPolicy="smartCase" desc="Middle name of recipient" label="Middle name"
               length="30" name="middleName" type="string"/>
    <attribute desc="Recipient title" label="Title" length="20" name="salutation"
               type="string" userEnum="salutation"/>
    <attribute desc="Recipient **bleep**" enum="nms:recipient:gender" label="Gender" name="gender"
    <attribute label="Date of birth" name="birthDate" type="date"/>
    <attribute desc="Age in years" expr="YearsOld([@birthDate])" label="Age" name="age"
               notNull="false" type="long"/>

    <attribute desc="Preferred language of the recipient" label="Language" length="32"
               name="language" type="string" userEnum="language"/>
    <attribute desc="Company name of recipient" label="Company" length="80" name="company"
               type="string" userEnum="company"/>

    <attribute name="email" template="xtk:common:email"/>
    <attribute desc="Domain part of the email" expr="GetEmailDomain([@email])" label="Email domain"

    <attribute default="0" desc="Email format type" enum="nms:recipient:messageFormat"
               label="Email format" name="emailFormat" type="byte"/>

    <attribute name="mobilePhone" template="xtk:common:mobilePhone"/>

    <attribute name="phone" template="nms:common:phone"/>
    <attribute name="fax" template="nms:common:fax"/>

    <!-- pURLs -->
    <attribute advanced="true" applicableIf="HasPackage('nms:purl')" desc="Calculated field dedicated to generating the guest ID."
               expr="@lastName+@firstName" label="Guest ID personalization" length="128"
               name="guestIdExpr" type="string"/>
    <attribute advanced="true" applicableIf="HasPackage('nms:purl')" desc="Calculated field dedicated to generating the guest code."
               expr="@lastName+@firstName" label="Guest code personalization" length="128"
               name="guestCodeExpr" type="string"/>

    <attribute desc="Encrypted identifier to be used for web applications." expr="AESEncrypt(@id)"
               label="Encrypted identifier" name="cryptedId" type="string" xml="true"/>

    <!-- materials to compute the postal address -->
    <element aggregate="nms:common:locationAggregate" name="location"/>
    <element externalJoin="true" label="Country/Region" name="country" revIntegrity="normal"
             revLink="recipient" target="nms:country" type="link">
      <join xpath-dst="@isoA2" xpath-src="location/@countryCode"/>
    <element desc="State/Province" externalJoin="true" label="State" name="stateLink"
             revLink="recipient" target="nms:state" type="link">
      <join xpath-dst="@code" xpath-src="location/@stateCode"/>
      <join xpath-dst="@countryCode" xpath-src="location/@countryCode"/>

    <!-- normalized postal address -->
    <element name="postalAddress" template="nms:common:postalAddress">
      <attribute expr="SubString(JuxtWords3(Smart([../@salutation]), Smart([../@firstName]), Upper([../@lastName])), 1, 38)"
      <attribute applicableIf="GetOption('NmsRecipient_UseOldAddr')!=1" expr="Upper(SubString([../location/@address1], 1,38))"
      <attribute applicableIf="GetOption('NmsRecipient_UseOldAddr')!=1" expr="Upper(SubString([../location/@address2], 1,38))"
      <attribute applicableIf="GetOption('NmsRecipient_UseOldAddr')!=1" expr="Upper(SubString([../location/@address3],        1,38))"
      <attribute applicableIf="GetOption('NmsRecipient_UseOldAddr')!=1" expr="Upper(SubString([../location/@address4],       1,38))"
      <attribute applicableIf="GetOption('NmsRecipient_UseOldAddr')==1" expr="Upper(SubString([../location/@additionalRcp], 1,38))"
      <attribute applicableIf="GetOption('NmsRecipient_UseOldAddr')==1" expr="Upper(SubString([../location/@additionalGeo], 1,38))"
      <attribute applicableIf="GetOption('NmsRecipient_UseOldAddr')==1" expr="Upper(SubString([../location/@street],        1,38))"
      <attribute applicableIf="GetOption('NmsRecipient_UseOldAddr')==1" expr="Upper(SubString([../location/@special],       1,38))"
      <attribute expr="SubString(JuxtWords([../location/@zipCode], Upper([../location/@city])), 1,38)"
      <attribute _operation="delete" name="line7"/>
      <element expr="@line1+'\n'+@line2+'\n'+@line3+'\n'+@line4+'\n'+@line5+'\n'+@line6"
      <attribute expr="AllNonNull3([../location/@zipCode], [../location/@city], [../@lastName])"

    <element name="comment" template="xtk:common:comment"/>
    <element aggregate="nms:common:freeFields" name="freeFields"/>

    <attribute enum="nms:recipient:status" label="Status" name="status" type="byte"/>

    <element defOnDuplicate="true" default="DefaultFolder('nmsRecipient', [@_folder-id])"
             label="Folder" name="folder" revDesc="Recipients included in this folder"
             revIntegrity="define" revLabel="Recipients" target="xtk:folder" type="link"/>

    <element advanced="true" desc="Information about the email" externalJoin="true"
             integrity="neutral" label="Info on the email" name="emailInfo" revIntegrity="neutral"
             revLink="recipient" target="nms:address" type="link">
      <join xpath-dst="@address" xpath-src="@email"/>


    <method name="RegisterGroup" static="true">
      <help>Add selected recipients to a list</help>
        <param desc="Lists" name="groupList" type="DOMElement"/>
        <param desc="Recipient list" name="recipientList" type="DOMElement"/>
        <param desc="Subscribe/Unsubscribe recipients" name="register" type="boolean"/>
      <example language="javascript">
var entity = &lt;entityList&gt;&lt;key value="24447964"/&gt;
                &lt;condition enabledIf="" expr="@id = 24447964"/&gt;
var choice = &lt;choiceList&gt;&lt;key value="18995462"/&gt;
                &lt;condition enabledIf="" expr="@id = 18995462"/&gt;
    <method name="RegisterGroup2" static="true">
      <help>Add selected recipients to a list</help>
        <param desc="Lists" name="groupList" type="DOMElement"/>
        <param desc="Recipient list" name="recipientList" type="DOMElement"/>
        <param desc="Recreate list" name="clearGroup" type="DOMElement"/>

    <method name="ClearFolder" static="true">
      <help>Delete all the recipients from the folder</help>
        <param desc="Folder ID" name="folderId" type="DOMElement"/>

    <method name="ClearGroup" static="true">
      <help>Removes all recipients from the list</help>
        <param desc="List ID" name="groupId" type="DOMElement"/>



Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Hello @CampaignerForLife ,


It seems that this attribute exist in schema but not in data base table.

This looks like a custom attribute (@compras-id') . It would not be available  out of box schema which you shared below. 


Can you please do the following check? 


1.  Go to Administration -> Data schema -> nms:recipient -> Preview




2. Enter Ctrl+F and search for @compras-id



3. If it is there, then it means it has been added in recipient extended schema. 

 Go to the recipient extended schema and make sure this attribute defined correctly.

4. Go to the Update database structure.





5.  Click next and next. 

6. Then you would get the SQL code. You need to check if this filed is there under recipient. 

    If it is there, then it means it is not in SQL table. 

7. Click next and create this field in  data base.

8. Clean your cache and try again. 


Hope this will help you.







Level 7

Thank you Parvesh Parmar, this is definitely a game changer!


Employee Advisor


The error message you're seeing suggests that there's an issue with your expression syntax when trying to access the compras-id attribute of a recipient in a delivery.

You can try as below:

var recipient = nms.delivery.recipients.createCursor().first();

var comprasId = recipient.customData.compras.id;

This loads the first recipient in the delivery's recipients table and retrieves the value of the compras-id attribute from the recipient's customData field.

You can replace nms.delivery.recipients with nms.delivery.internalRecipients or nms.delivery.externalRecipients depending on the type of recipients you want to load.

Make sure that the attribute name you're trying to access is correct and matches the name defined in the recipient schema. Also, double-check that the recipient in question has a value set for that attribute.



Hi @CampaignerForLife,

Were you able to resolve this query with the help of the given solutions by @akshaaga & @Parvesh_Parmar, or do you still need more help here? Do let us know. In case the given solutions were helpful, then kindly choose the one that helped you the most as the 'Correct Reply'.

Sukrity Wadhwa