I wanted to enrich the MirrorPageURL for each recipient onto the workflow after the delivery has completed so I can save it in an external system. I've tried using GetMirrorURL from the database functions and that doesn't do anything (besides there being NO documentation on how it works)
So I am trying using JS to reconstruct the MirrorPage URL but I cant seem to get the broadLog-id out of the post-delivery schema:
This is the query I am using:
get: {
records: function( recordsToFetchPerBatch,currentStartLine ) {
var query = xtk.queryDef.create(
<queryDef schema={vars.targetSchema} operation="select" lineCount={recordsToFetchPerBatch} startLine={currentStartLine}>
<node alias="broadLog-id" expr="@broadLog-id" />
<condition expr="@id IS NOT NULL" />
return query;
But I get the following error:
SCR-160012 Javascript: error while evaluating script 'WKF1279/js'.
SOP-330011 Error while executing the method 'ExecuteQuery' of service 'xtk:queryDef'.
XTK-170036 Unable to parse expression '@broadLog-id'.
Attribute 'broadLog' unknown (see definition of schema 'Email delivery with proof and seed address (temp:deliveryRecurring32)').
Any ideas on how to query the broadLog-id from the temp schema?
Or a better way to enrich the Mirror Page URL onto the schema?