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Delivery log refers to an URL index=0


Level 5

Hello everyone,

I want to put some privacy typology rules in my deliveries so the customer can take a look at the policy rules on the website.

When looking into the delivery log, I notice that error :


The warning mention that my privacy URL is missing and say that the +index=0, not like all the other links that send an +index=-1

I check in both template I'm using and the JS that manage  my privacy URL and the URL are both the same.

What can go wrong with that issue ? Where can I look to put that index to be equal to -1 like the other ? (I guess the issue must be coming from that)

Thank you in advance !

Kind regards.

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Employee Advisor

Your code will check both text and HTML version.

So to succeed, in the log you would need to have "urlcheckreturntrue" being shown twice.

So I guess the link is not in the text version

View solution in original post

4 Replies


Community Advisor


Can you post your privacy typology rule code here?




Level 5

Hello Wodnicki, here is the code of my topology rule.

var exceptionBUList = ["WTCRU","WTCUA" ,"WTCTR" , "SRU"];

var sg = new StringGroup("nms:core");

var debug = 1;


// Constructor


function aswPrivacyURLPolicy(){



// Return the Privacy URL for the BU to which delivery belongs to

// @return : privacy URL for a BU


aswPrivacyURLPolicy.prototype.getURL = function(deliveryId) {

     var query = xtk.queryDef.create(

      <queryDef schema="nms:delivery" operation="get">


          <node expr="[operation/@bu_Code]" alias="@buCode"/>

          <node expr="@Lang_id" alias="@langId"/>



          <condition expr={"@id = " + deliveryId}/>





  var res =  query.ExecuteQuery();

  this.buCode = res.@buCode.toString();


  var privacyURL = "";


  switch (this.buCode){

      case "KVF":

        privacyURL = "https://www.kruidvat.fr/confidentialite";


      case "KVB":


          if (this.langId === "NLD")

            privacyURL = "https://www.kruidvat.be/nl/privacybeleid";

          if (this.langId === "FRB")

            privacyURL = "https://www.kruidvat.be/fr/politiquedeconfidentialite"



      case "KVN":

        privacyURL = "https://www.kruidvat.nl/privacybeleid";



    privacyURL = "";

} //End - switch (this.buCode)

if (debug) logInfo('URL:#' + privacyURL + '#');


query = null;

res = null;  



// Check if BU is part of exception list for which GDPR is not mandatory

// @return : true if BU belongs to exception list


aswPrivacyURLPolicy.prototype.ifExceptionBU = function() {


   var exception = false;

   for (index = 0; index < exceptionBUList.length; index++) {

      if (this.buCode ===  exceptionBUList[index]){

          exception = true;

          return exception;

      }//End - (this.buCode ===  exceptionBUList[index])

  }//End - for      

  if (debug) logInfo("Is Exception BU = " + exception);

  return exception;



// Check for the presence of privacy URL in the URL list

// @return message:

// true -  found

// false - Not found


aswPrivacyURLPolicy.prototype.checkUrlSource = function(urlList, strContent, privURL)


    for( var i=0 ; i<urlList.length ; i++ ){

      if( urlList[i].trackingType != 1 && urlList[i].trackingType != 3 ){

        // check an URL

        var url = urlList[i].source;

        if (debug) logInfo('FOUNDURL: '+url+'+index='+url.indexOf(privURL));

        if( url.indexOf(privURL) > -1 ){

        if (debug) logInfo('urlcheckreturntrue');

          return true;

        }//End - if( url.indexOf(privURL) > -1 )

      } //End-if( urlList[i].trackingType != 1 && urlList[i].trackingType != 3 )

    }//End - for

  return false;



// Audit a delivery to check for inclusion of privacy URL

// @return message:

// Empty String -  Success

// message- Error or Warning


aswPrivacyURLPolicy.prototype.auditDelivery = function(deliveryId) {

if (debug) logInfo("Applying Typlogy rule aswPrivacyURLPolicy");


var message = "Typology aswPrivacyLinkValidation: Missing Privacy URL:" + this.privacyURL + " for BU:"+ this.buCode + " and Language:" + this.langId;

//Set default log level to warning for BU's in exception list else set default to Error


if(this.privacyURL.length == 0){

  return message;


if(delivery.deliveryMode ==0){

   message = "";

   return message;


var sourceHTML = delivery.content.html.source;

var sourceText = delivery.content.text.source;

//logInfo("sourceHTML = " + sourceHTML);

var bSucessText = false;

var bSucessHtml = false;


if( !delivery.tracking.enabled ){

    // nothing to do if tracking is disabled

    bSucessText = null;

    bSucessText = null;

    message = "";

    return message;



var bSucessText = this.checkUrlSource(delivery.content.text.urlConfig.url, "TEXT", this.privacyURL);

var bSucessHtml = this.checkUrlSource(delivery.content.html.urlConfig.url, "HTML", this.privacyURL);


if( bSucessText && bSucessHtml ){

    if (debug) logInfo('Success! Returning Success');

    bSucessText = null;

    bSucessText = null;

    message = "";

    return message;


if (debug) logInfo('Failure! Returning Error Message');

return message;



Correct answer by
Employee Advisor

Your code will check both text and HTML version.

So to succeed, in the log you would need to have "urlcheckreturntrue" being shown twice.

So I guess the link is not in the text version


Community Advisor

You want the index to be 0 here, it's literally index as in 'index of the url being searched for, in the url string', where 0 is position 0 and -1 is not found; that debug message is displaying all test output, and displaying the result as though it were part of the url.