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Delete proof seed programmatically from delivery


Level 2

I'm trying to programatically remove a proof seed from a delivery.

I can remove the FCPseed from the delivery XML but since the FCPSeeds are not in a node of itself but directly as array under delivery node the write function doesn't remove anything. It only updates or adds.

How can I remove an FCPSeed programmatically?


Example of the code I have that does not work:

function removeProofSeedFromDelivery(proofSeedId, deliveryId){
  var deliveryObject = nms.delivery.load(deliveryId); //Load delivery
  var delivery = deliveryObject.toXML(); // Convert object to XML to manipulate with JXON

  delivery.@xtkschema = "nms:delivery"; //Add the schema, needed for xtk.session.Write
  delivery.@_operation = "update"; //Add operation, needed for xtk.session.Write


  //Iterate FCPSeeds in delivery and delete matching node
  var i = 0;
  for each(fcp in delivery.FCPSeed){
    if(fcp.@id == proofSeedId){
      delete delivery.FCPSeed[i];
  NLWS.xtkSession.Write( delivery ); //Save changes to delivery

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 2

Thanks Manoj,

delivery.FCPSeed.removeAll() works for removing all Seeds.


I'm going to try to:

1. load delivery

2. save existing seeds in a variable

3. remove all seeds - with FCPSeed.removeAll()

4. save delivery

5. reload delivery

6. re-add existing seeds (except for the one I wanted removed).

7. save delivery


Would wish there was a way to remove just one. But this will be ok as a workaround.

View solution in original post

2 Replies


Community Advisor

hello @PLundmark 


You can remove the proofs and seeds like this.


// Load the delivery data
var delivery=nms.delivery.load(DELIVERY_ID); 

//remove proofs from substitution

//remove seeds from the dynamic conditions

//save the delivery

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Correct answer by
Level 2

Thanks Manoj,

delivery.FCPSeed.removeAll() works for removing all Seeds.


I'm going to try to:

1. load delivery

2. save existing seeds in a variable

3. remove all seeds - with FCPSeed.removeAll()

4. save delivery

5. reload delivery

6. re-add existing seeds (except for the one I wanted removed).

7. save delivery


Would wish there was a way to remove just one. But this will be ok as a workaround.