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Configuring Adobe I/O JWT connectors for Triggers


Level 9

Has anyone here configured the Adobe I/O JWT connectors for ACC Triggers integration?

The update to Gold Standard 11 mentions that the legacy API connectors will be retired April 30th 2021.

Support and Consulting have provided this link for creating the connectors: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/campaign-classic/using/integrating-with-adobe-experience-clo...

However, nobody within Adobe can tell me how to configure the Adobe Analytics Product Profile at Step #9


Does anyone have this configured and can guide us or provide some documentation on how this Product Profile is configured?


4 Replies


Level 10

Hi @Darren_Bowers

You have info here




Level 9

Hi Milan - have a look at Step #9. There is a Product Profile that they select. Its not created by default. How is it created and what permissions do you need to add to the Analytics Product Profile for the API to operate correctly? If I grant it ALL permissions in Analytics then it becomes a security risk. I need to assign it the correct permissions for Triggers to run but there is no documentation on it.


Level 9

FYI - We are still working out how to do this with Adobe Consulting and Adobe Support - It seems nobody in Adobe knows how to do Step #9 and its crucial to how to set this up or migrate from the legacy connectors.

I have multiple requests for better documentation with the Adobe docs team that wrote the documentation which have also not been looked at in Github.

If anyone in Adobe knows anything that could help complete this, please reach out via DM and help out Consulting.





Level 9