I can able to send attachment via Email Delivery, But clarify the Maximum size limit for attachment. In some case transition data will huge in size.ThanksSakthi Kumar
Hello everyone,I was asking myself what's the best way to make the most perfekt link element.For example:I want to save cars and link them with their owners (Recipients).So I got this schema:<srcSchema _cs="Cars (ahae)" created="2017-01-30 16:05:06.705Z" createdBy-id="0" entitySchema="xtk:srcSchema"...
Hi,I want to delete a delivery in Campaign v6 but can’t figure out how, can you help me with this?Also, will I be able to recover it if needed?Thanks for your help
Hello, I want to store the webform fields in a dataschema. Dataschema is linked with recipient data schema on the basis of recipient id. It has new fields whose values will be captured from webform and cusid field (linked with recipientID of nms:recipient)The web url should be embedded in the email...
Hi Team,Can you please suggestAfter sending the communication to the customer I need to send those list of targeted population to particular email id in tabular format and its should be processed under the same workflow. In Table have to show all targeted customer recordsI Have tried the following.1...
Hi,I am facing the issue while migrating campaign from UAT to Production.I had done with Following steps :1. Right Click on campaign-> Action->Exported the Package2. In Production tools->Advanced->import package.I Maintained the Folder Structure and unique internal name. Pleas find the error and hel...
Hi,I want to send email through delivery activity in campaign workflow. I am using sandbox instance of Adobe Campaign Cloud.Following error is generated after confirming the delivery in campaign dash board : Error while executing the method 'Play' of service 'nms:delivery'.
Hi,I want to store the transaction date by converting into string format(dd-mon-yyyy) and that should stored in a variable for some personalization. Actually I am able to convert the transaction date into string format , But the problem is transaction date is differ for each customers. Previously I ...