Hi all, I was wondering if Adobe has made any effort to adjust open rates and/or provide insight into how open rates have changed after Apple rolled out Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) for their mail app? In our case, we suspect that open rates in Adobe Campaign are too good to be true. Part of our br...
Hello, I'm trying to create and publish resource files dynamically by JS code but I'm not being able to publish them after creating. My code is as follows:var file = new File("F:\\Attachments\\current\\attach1.pdf"); if(!file.exists) logError ("File '" + file.fullName + "' does not exist."); ...
Hi, the union activity inputs are based on what? filtering dimension, targeting dimension...I can not find the answer in the documentation Thanks for your help! Kind regards
Hi All, Facing below error while trigerring real time emails, Could anyone please help in resolving this issue? Emails are not getting delivered. Error while compiling script 'content htmlContent' line 8: targetData is not defined. SCR-160012 Javascript: error while evaluating script 'content ...
Hi Team, We have a requirement for some test in QA on the Production data. I need to copy some data of the production table (Non PII) to QA table. What are the best way to achieve this? BR, Hari Krishna D
Hi!I have some issues with a variable that i want to use in my html as part of the personalization. Nowadays, the variable is like this: TotalAmount: 12561.2But i would like to transform it into something like this: 1.2561,20 Do you know how can i do it? I hope the answer is easy to apply. My first ...