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Automatically resuming workflow during ncm publish


Level 4

Hi Everyone,

We are working in a solution where we are changing the Javascript template via  "ncm.publishing.Transform" method. However, when we are trying to update few delivery templates, the workflow is not writing any log after this line and then automatically the workflow resumes from the begining and it goes on like a cycle

We have updated the workflow multiple times using single delivery id but the behavior is repeated.

Any help will be very much appreciated!


Thanks Everyone!

CC: @CedricRey 

3 Replies


Level 6

HI @supratim320 

It's difficult to me to figure out what's going on.

I understand that you use a JS to perform some changes on a JST. It fails, but there is no visible workflow log, and the workflow restart (is it a consecutive restart, in a "warning" log (yellow icon) ? it could be an exceeded timeout)

Can you access to the supervision of your plateforme, and get the wkf process logs ? Go to the Welcome/Home button in the left upper corner => Monitoring => Wait for the details loading, then in the process list, try to open the wfserver@yourinstncename details, you should open the log journal (you have to be admin of your instance). I'm not sure you'll get more details, but it's a start.




Employee Advisor

@supratim320 -

In case of workflow error, during Fast load, while processing data, the Error and log tables associated with the work table become persistent and will not be deleted even if you drop the worktable.

To identify, what's happening, logs would be needed to identify the scenario.

You can monitor workflow execution and check the workflow logs for specific details.

Do you have any specific error /warning which is thrown when you are trying to update the mentioned delivery templates?




Hi @supratim320,

Were you able to resolve this query with the help of the given suggestions or do you still need more help here? Do let us know.


Sukrity Wadhwa