Hi Team,
Hope all is well, I just wanted to reach out in regards to a new integration we are doing between adobe campaign v7 and adobe analytics.
We have followed the documentation to the T, however when creating the connector and going through the evar setup and sync we hit an error whereby the classifications are not syncing please see below error details.
Any support would be helpful:
Internal Server Error
Cannot process request for method 'batchSaveClassificationsStatus'. Error Message: 'ServiceException: No Classification could be savedclassification 'Delivery Tool' not found on Adobe Analytics in context of extAccount 'EXT102'. it was supposed to be created and present
classification 'Channel' not found on Adobe Analytics in context of extAccount 'EXT102'. it was supposed to be created and present
classification 'Delivery Label' not found on Adobe Analytics in context of extAccount 'EXT102'. it was supposed to be created and present
classification 'Operation Nature' not found on Adobe Analytics in context of extAccount 'EXT102'. it was supposed to be created and present
classification 'Operation Label' not found on Adobe Analytics in context of extAccount 'EXT102'. it was supposed to be created and present
classification 'Custom Tag 1' not found on Adobe Analytics in context of extAccount 'EXT102'. it was supposed to be created and present
classification 'Custom Tag 2' not found on Adobe Analytics in context of extAccount 'EXT102'. it was supposed to be created and present
classification 'Custom Tag 3' not found on Adobe Analytics in context of extAccount 'EXT102'. it was supposed to be created and present
classification 'Contact Date' not found on Adobe Analytics in context of extAccount 'EXT102'. it was supposed to be created and present'. Request Details: '{"method":"batchSaveClassificationsStatus","internalName":"EXT102","useUserAccessTokenIfPresent":"true"}'
extAccount 'EXT102 - is the new external account which I have created in adobe campaign however should there be a config in adobe analytics which references this connector as well? (Nothing in the documentation could be found)
Any support would be much appreciated.