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Automatic updates of critical fixes


Level 10


We are all aware of new builds/versions which are coming every few months. It would be nice to develop an automatic update in the tool for the most urgent fixes. There are a lot of company and consultants  who are making a lot of money on version/build upgrades and that is fine but end users are not ready to have downtime every few months and possible issues after upgrade. Let's say some fixes should be part of an automatic update and new features and bigger changes part of the regular build/version update. Of course, that process should have a backup and restore option in order to be performed by business practitioner.



Community Advisor



This is a selling point for Campaign Standard and perhaps the reason for its limited extensibility.

Campaign Classic is too open to allow for automatic updates by non-technical resources.




Level 10


Hi Jon,

fully agree with you regarding this point. I am referencing on the core files which are, let's say, unchangeable. Some essentials fix updates surely can be related to the mentioned files to provide a better user experience for end users.

There is no statistic regarding number of users per build/version for ACC probably,  but even if exists the number of users on the last build/version is probably very low.

Sure, this is only my point of view The most of ideas here are regarding new features which can be provided with new build, but stability should be an essential question and provided automatically to all users.

