Hi @ambikaTewari_ATCI
Go and check the Adobe Launch extension "Experience Cloud ID Service" to see how the configuration is done,
Here is the screen shot,

The optout status will help adobe to understand the consent status to pass the visitor information across all adobe products,
The Opt-In service lets you set up consent management practices for Adobe solutions to:
- Indicate if consent gathering requirements apply in general for a user.
- Specify which solutions are permitted to generate cookies.
- Apply default preferences for any solution whose category is not explicitly consented to or declined by the user.
- Trigger custom response based on changes to a user’s consent settings, allowing you to persist or update the user’s settings.
Consent management is required for adobe since privacy policy becoming a big topics across the digital and data technologies.
Hope this will help you.
Refer this adobe documentation on Opti-in services https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/id-service/using/implementation/opt-in-service/optin-over...